Leo, Matt, Aspen, Brandi and Celia walk to Village bridge, 2 days after the fight in Anville... Leo smiles "It's so awesome outside, today!", Matt agreed "Oh yeah, I love it outdoors! I especially like, there's no 'squiters out now!". Aspen giggles "You wearing that coat so much, it shouldn't matter to you!", Brandi laughs "It's okay! We all hate 'em! whether or not he makes sense!". Celia smiles "It is lovely to see so much nature close up!", she turns toward Leo... "Ah, but after traveling around with you guys for a while... I never found out: What IS your dream?". Leo blushes lightly "I... I'm not sure... I... had one, but I spent so much time...on other stuff... I'm trying to remember it!", she smiles "Ah... refinding your old self!". Matt jumps in "I wanna be a martial artist!!! It'll be so cool to show off my skills!!!", she smiled "I hope you become ne too, you work so hard at it!". Aspen smiles "I... kinda do my dream... I'm a Smasher! Right now, I kinda just wanna show off my to you guys, when it's time to play again!", Celia giggles "Aw, you only want to be with us now, then?". They both giggle, then the Flautist turns toward Brandi "What's your dream?", Brandi smiles "I want to be a dancer!!! But work...", she remembers what Plasma did to Anville Town... "But I couldn't before... Now I'll have a chance to!". Celia smiles warmly "I hope I can see you perform sometime!", Matt adds "It'll be awkward... Brandi wanna break dance, and she wears dresses alot.". The explasma replies "I'm gonna wear pants when I dance!!! I just happen to love wearing dresses when I'm not...", Leo smiles "Aww, your so cute!". Brandi blushes "Hahaha... don't be a idiot! I just like these clothes... kinda.", Celia looks at them... "Did something happen?" Leo replies "Not alot... we're just kinda close...". Brandi answered "We're just good friends!". They finally enter Village Bridge
Leo looks at the buildings "This is kinda relaxing, we didn't even notice this place!", Matt adds "Yeah... though those old guys are kinda creepy... and smelly.", Aspen smiles "They're singing for everyone! They might be nice... or a team of stinking old men...". Brandi laughed "They're the band: ...Dusk... I think... They come here at random times and play for everyone!", Celia looks around the village "I'm happy that they're able to do what they want... I'm trying to be a renowned Flauist... but, I never got anyone to listen to my playing.", Leo replies "Don't worry! You'll find people who'll love your playing! You only need to find someone who notices how awesome your flute sounds!". Celia smiles "Thanks!", Leo looks away, blushing lightly again, as Aspen says "We came here a little slower this time, having someone new with us, kinda made things more exciting: Before we kinda just rush passed everything!". The Flautist almost replies, when her cell rings "Hello? Ah... ah, I'll come as soon as I can...", she hangs up a Leo turns "You alright? Everyone's okay... right?", Matt freaks "Plasma's back!?". Celia replies "There's something I need to do back home... I'll take a plane there, then come back in a hour... I hope. Everything's alright, I just need to ake care of some legal problems...", she walks away "I'll be back soon♪! Please wait here, for me!". The friends wave at her as she walks away... Celia thought as she leaves "Shoot... The reason I left, was to get away from the memories... having to go back here.., is so hard... I hope I can go back with my new friends soon... I left in such a spur-of-the-moment time, to get away... before it hurts..." she climbs on a plane. Meanwhile Leo stares toward Oplucid city "I hope she'll be alright...", Matt answers "She's finesh... I hope she's alright too... Maybe we shoulda followed?". Aspen replies "Don't worry, she'll be okay! Let's search around the town until she comes back, there's alot stuff here!", Brandi adds "We coulda found something we wanted here... like". They suddenly hear a voice "Ahhh, there you are! The beautiful champion!!!", the friends look on top of a building and saw Wallace standing on top the roof!!! "Leonard Flyte, correct? You are by far the newst champion of Unova, and have one the quickest completion times..." Wallace says, Leo replies "Yeah... I didn't know I was THAT quick... but who are...". Aspen cheered "It's Wallace!!! He's one of the judges of the Wallace Cup in Sinnoh! And he's a Hoenn Champion!!!", Brandi replies "I remember seeing the guy...", Matt adds "He's a champion? At what?". Leo stares "If he's a Celes...", Wallace jumps off the roof! "Leo!!! You have become a Celesti Champion too, right?". The pilot stares "No... I... I became a champ because someelse wanted me to be... I'm not interested in competing in the League...", Wallace gasped "AAAAAAHHHH! You are not interested in fulfilling your full potential?!!! How could you be satisfied, when you could very well become a Celesti!!? Why, we get so much!!!". Leo leers "It sounds awesome, but... What I want is kinda different... I... I... Don't wanna fight for powers...", Wallace holds his head... "Alright... okay now... Leonard... Mr Leonard, y... Why do you not want to become a Celesti? We... are the few who can become a legend!". Leonard stares "Legend? But I thought it was already a chosen...", Wallace stares into his eyes... sunlight bathed the champion as he replies "My dear man... no one is chosen from the beginning... Legendaey power is given to the one's who stand out... More than one is needed in our world... and only pure hearted ones... ones who will keep our world... our very beings... safe... If only...". He touched his cheek... "Nevermind... you are not ready... your mind is on something else...", he backflips back onto the building... "Farewell... my friends..." he Flies away... The friends wander about his speech until Celia comes back "Hi everyone, did everything go well, here?", Leo replies "It's fine! We were just kinda bored...". Matt adds "Wait a minute, that's our line... How'd the legal stuff go?". Celia replies "Fine, now let's go!", they walk away as they talk. Matt then realizes "Hey... Brother, you haven't said anything perverted to Celia!", Leo jerks "Wait! I only flirt when they did!". Matt replies "But you haven't even acted different at all, you usually go for everything!". Celia asks "What do you mean?", Matt replied "Brother had sex with our friends here, in 2 days after we met them!". Aspen laughs "No... wait... the first day... then we traveled to Drift... Oh... yeah the night before then...", Brandi giggled "Heeheehee We met in Castelia... then after in Iccirrus... Yeah, two days after I met you too!". Celia looks up at Leo "Ah... I guess I'm not attractive, then?", Leo jumps "W... N... I... I... didn't... If you asked... I would've...". Celia giggles "It's nice to know how your friends think of you♪.".
The friends go through Village Bridge and Lacunosa Town, and come to Undella Town...
To Be Continued...
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