Kanto Kombak!!!
Leo and his friends exit the SS Jet, at Pallet town's port!
Leo looks around the town "Awesome, this place feels so different than Unova!", he breathes in "The air feels different too! Even back in Unova... Mistralton felt different: Castelia City felt dirty... and other towns felt cleaner... but this... it's so much more cleaner than anyplace in Unova and Hoenn...", Brandi agrees "That's why I love Kanto! That's probably why I hated Hoenn... It was so icky feeling!". Aspen laughs "You really hated the whole region?!", Brandi giggled "I didn't hate everyone per say... it just seem like Hoenn was there just to be there!". Matt looks shocked "Is that the Plasma inside you, talking?!", she laughs "No, it just annoyed me!". Wallace adds with a slightly irritated voice "Well, this region should be... "entertaining" for you, since you seem to be very "patriotic"!", Brandi laughs as Leo cheered "Let's go! I'm gonna try tha 1st gym we find!". Later the arrive at Viridian City Gym! Leo walks to the door and sees a old man standing there "Sorry, you here to challenge the gym?", Leo replies "Yeah!". The old man answers "The leader's gone out training... You'll have to wait until he comes back...", Leo yells "Fucking leader! Why THE HELL WOULD YOU BE A GYM LEADER IF YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE THE FUCKING GYM!!!? WHAT THE FUCK!!!?". Matt replied "Yeah!!! (Though, you shouldn't have said that again!)", Leo sighed "I already hate that faggot...". Wallace leers "Ah, my dear Leo... it's not worth your time. You would rather fight the champion of Kanto: Red. The boy left several years ago to become champion, and never came back... Lance only took his place since he never came back... but it's still believed he's stronger than every other fighter in the world...", Leo looks excited "I hope I see him! Even if I lose, the battle'll push me enough to make me evolve without using Z-energy!", Wallace leered "Yes, though it's believed he already found the new... "advancements" before we even transported them to Kanto...". Leo looks excited as they continue through Viridian, then arrive in Pewter City! Leo notices Brock leaving the gym "Hey, he has to be the gym leader here, right?!" Leo asks, Wallace starts "Yes... but, ...". The Pilot ran to the gymleader before he could finish! "Hey, are you the Pewter Gym Leader!?", Brock turns toward the man... "Yes...". Leo points "I challenge you to a battle!", Brock smiled "I'd accept, but I'm going to the Celestial Celebration!". Leo stares "Celestial Celebration?!", Wallace walks up next to him... "Yes, as I was trying to say... There's a celebration coming up, for the capture of Team Skull and Team Rocket. I only got the message last night on the SS Jet, and didn't have a opportunity to tell anyone". Leo looks surprised as Brock smiles "Mr Wallace!? Uh, yes... he's right! We beat them by cornering both sides with the International Police and Kalos League, they planned a celebration today a little while ago...", Leo looks at him... "I guess after that fight, alot of their plans were messeed up...". They start towards Cerulean City... "Yeah, they found out that Guzma was the head master of alot of their plans, and he was a very important to their plot!" Brock says, Leo stares "Ah... I guess it fell apart after what happened...". Wallace leers "Yes... somehow I defeated him back then... I guess that was the last straw...", Brock replies "You DID?! ...at the same time must've been the fight between AZ and Geovani... They must've defeated him at the same time, ending their plan...". Leo stared "Oh shit... we help beat both gangs without knowing!", they arrive at Cerulean and see Misty! From there, the friends get in the limousine, picking up Celestial League Members and invited guests! And are driven to different areas in Kanto! They pick up Ash waiting to see his friends, then head toward Celadon!!! Leo looks excited "It's you!!!?", Ash jumps "It's you!!? From the Unova League!?". Leo looks up "Then... that means your his friends, then?! I didn't even recognize you!", Brock laughs "We didn't recognize you either!". Misty sighed "We only saw eachother once!", Leo laughed "Oh shit! Um, I'm Leo! But you already know that!". Matt laughed too "I'm Matt!", Aspen giggles "I'm Aspen!", Brandi smiles "And... (Please don't let him recognize me...)I'm Brandi!". Jamie bows "I'm Jamie... I believe we've met before, have we?", Celia looks at the others... "Hi♪...". Ash shook Leo's hand again "I'm Ash, an' this is Misty and Brock!", Misty shouts "Hey, we can introduce ourselves!". Leo laughed "Awesome, we outta get along great!", they pull up to the Celadon gym! "Um... someone tell the Leader to come out!?" the driver yells, Leo excitedly hopped up! "I will!". Brock grabs his arm... "Please, let me do it!!! I must express my love to her, finally!", Misty grabs his ear! "Stop it, Brock! She wasn't interested the first time, why the hell she'd be now?". He replies "She had time to mature and is ready fr love, right!?", Leo laughs "I'll build you up when I get her!". He jumps out of the limo as Ash laughs! He knocks on the gym door, it opens by itself as he sees Erika asleep on the floor... She noticed the light shining on her face, then opens her eyes... "It's so pleasant. ...Oh dear... I must have dozed off. Welcome. My name is Erika.", Leo laughs "I'm Leo! It's time for the Celestial Celebration!". She hops up! "Oh my... I completely forgot!", she walks by his side... "Shall we?". He smiles "Sure!", they walk to the limo as he then asked "Um... What if a friend of mine... wanted to date you... but he was too shy to ask?". She replies "Why sure, I'll date you!", Leo jumps as she explains "You seem kind, I'm excited to get to know you!". Leo freaks "W.. wait... I...", they walk onto the limo... Brock sees him holding her hand! "Leonard, I hate you!" he cries, Leo jumps "Wait a minute, I didn...". Brock crawled to Erika! "Please, vision of loveliness! Don't you wanna be with someone you remember, rather than a straner from Unova?!", Erika smiles "Ah... I didn't understand what you wanted before... unfortunately, I already have a boyfriend♡ now.". Brock droops "Dammit Leo...", Leo freaked "Wait... I didn't even...". Celia watches as he tries to explain to him... "I had to drop Leo to help him... I should not feel bad... we did not take it seriously... but... It still...", she turns her head as Leo looks toward her direction... The friends talk excitedly, until they reach Lavender Town! They get out at the outdoor party, Leo looks around "This looks awesome!". Wallace leers "Yes, it was originally for only certain members but... now that it got huge! Everyone's here, fortunately our Legendary power stops any avalanche from happening!". Brandi cheers "Awesom! They got music thumping from the tower too!", Wallace leers "Yes, they thought it would be disrespectful to play loud music ad party on the graves and old Celestial Tower, here! But it seems as if everything's okay...". The friends start mingling into the party, while Leo looks up...
He thought as music plays around him... "I... I really fucked up... Everything I did was because I assumed I needed to do it... but like I said before: I hated it... I hated being a pilot... I hated trying to go through this to be a legend... I did it because my dad wanted me too... And because Wallace said people need me... Even through this, I never felt happy... completely happy... I already dragged my friends through this... I alienated my ex-girlfriend... and I never fulfilled my dream... I know why I I'm alone and how come she left... I was a child the whole time... I went along with everything... that's why my wings kept changing... I never got to be me... so everything easily changed what and who I am...", he looks at Erika "She... reminds me if someone... Everytime I look at her my face gets hot... I feel so warm... Wait... It's Minami!!! Yes... that short hair, and the immediate attraction...". Erika feels Leo squeezing her hand, then blushes slightly... she looks up and smiles at him! Leo blushed then looks back at the sky... "I... I miss her... I still wish I could be with her and fulfill my dream... I will become a Psychic Type... and support my family via pursuing art like I wanted... If I really can't be a Legend... I'll go become a Psychic...", he walks forward Erika giggles as Leo notices the many girls surrounding the party grounds... "I'll have to stop being a pervert first...".
To be continued...
He thought as music plays around him... "I... I really fucked up... Everything I did was because I assumed I needed to do it... but like I said before: I hated it... I hated being a pilot... I hated trying to go through this to be a legend... I did it because my dad wanted me too... And because Wallace said people need me... Even through this, I never felt happy... completely happy... I already dragged my friends through this... I alienated my ex-girlfriend... and I never fulfilled my dream... I know why I I'm alone and how come she left... I was a child the whole time... I went along with everything... that's why my wings kept changing... I never got to be me... so everything easily changed what and who I am...", he looks at Erika "She... reminds me if someone... Everytime I look at her my face gets hot... I feel so warm... Wait... It's Minami!!! Yes... that short hair, and the immediate attraction...". Erika feels Leo squeezing her hand, then blushes slightly... she looks up and smiles at him! Leo blushed then looks back at the sky... "I... I miss her... I still wish I could be with her and fulfill my dream... I will become a Psychic Type... and support my family via pursuing art like I wanted... If I really can't be a Legend... I'll go become a Psychic...", he walks forward Erika giggles as Leo notices the many girls surrounding the party grounds... "I'll have to stop being a pervert first...".
To be continued...
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