
Plasma Plot! 1


Leo, Matt, Aspen and Brandi travel excitedly on Route 10! "Awesome! I'm almost there!" Leo cheered, Matt adds "We're finally gonna be in the league!". Aspen looks around "It's so beautiful here, I expected it to look more... battle torn", Brandi smiles "Drayden said, few people become champions, the land had alot of time to heal, since then.". They get close enough to see the Unova League on a mountain! "Finally..." Leo shook with excitement, they suddenly feel a violent earthquake! Everyone looks up as Plasma's castle erects under the league!? "What the hell?!" Leo yells, Brandi looks worried "They already finished it?!"... Ghetis then steps out of the castle, his voice echos from his "scepter"! "Unovians, I have a announcement: Everyone who is anyway against Plasma, are now our enemies", Ghetis's message, broadcasts on every tv in the region! "We have tried to evolve us all, further than we have ever, in human recorded history, our research not only benefits us, but the entire world! We've tried to bring you into this, but... Whoever isn't ready for the future shall be left in the past! Along with your dead friends and family! If you attempt to attack now, be prepared to face off against Plasma's king: N!"!!! He flourishes his cape as he turns back inside the castle! Leo glares "Fuck... They're screwing this up for everyone, and they're going to kill even more innocent people!" Matt turns "Brother... are we going up there!?", The pilot starts running, his friends follow as he says "Yeah! Once I'm in range I'm flying up into the castle! And I'm going to beat that fag!".

Leo flew up into the castle! Matt and Aspen climb with him, using IcicleCrash and VineWhip. Brandi follows with Inferno, looking worried instead of angered like her friends... They climb inside then rush through the hall! Until they see the Gym Leaders fighting the sages! Lenora yells "Don't worry about us!", Elisa adds "Were fine!", Clay glared "If ya gonna help too, go find 1 of those assholes in cherge!", Brycen finished "We knew about their plans, we're ready to stop them, and stop Ghetis!". Leo sighed "Dammit... they have a point, we'll be wasting time if we helped here...", he turns toward his friends! "Let's hurry and find that Ghetis guy! He must who we heard before!", Brandi shouts "Wait!", they turn around "We can't go together in here: Plasma will use us, against eachother, let's split up: that way we can't be held hostage to sabotage some1 else!", Leo agrees "Alright, let's only contact eachother, IF it's life or death.". They split up, the friends fight many Plasma grunts until a hour later... Leo runs into a strange room, he sees a floor beneath the bridge he's on, then hears footsteps "Plasma?", he thought, when Matt and Aspen came in!? "!? The hell!?", they hear him, then look up "Brother! Sorry, but this place isn't as big as it looks outside..." the coldworker says, Aspen adds "We were searching for that guy, when we kept bumping into eachother! So we thought, we might as well look together!". Brandi comes in to from another room "It IS you guys... This castle so confusing...", a plasma grunt suddenly charged into the room! "Another fuck!? I'll stop you!", he grows Liepard fur and claws! Then used Feint! Leo grows his wings, and dodged, he then countered with Megakick! The grunt got up and attempts NightSlash! Leo uses Fly and KOs the Plasma! The pilot then glared "Damn... Plasma are a bunch worthless shits! Why the hell would they do this? Why the fuck would they WANT to kill people!?", Brandi replies, upset... "I... I know... They wanted a chance at finding themselves, or trying something "fun"... but...", Matt freaked "What the...", Aspen nervously asked "Brandi... are... are y... you...". The exgrunt replies "I was a Plasma grunt, I wanted to do something exciting, but... After I started rising throught the ranks, I was forced to murder so many people... I couldn't say anything by then, or... they'd kill me too...", Brandi holds her mouth "I was too scared to try to run... Until, I was put on a misssion with grunts... That 4th one, you guys missed in Castelia city... was me.", they realize what happened as Brandi finished "I saw my chance to join you, to run away. Even after I saw you kill my subordinate, I wanted to join you, and see how it's like with someone who hates what they did, instead of being with people who murdered for a sick experiment... I'm sorry... I lied... to you", Matt answered "If your really sorry... I... I... could forgive you, you regret what you did right?", Aspen adds "Y... yeah... I... don't mind... that... you killed for a living... We... w... we're still friends!". Leo squats down on the bridge, "Brandi... you actually feel sorry for something I thought I did, you changed and dealt with things I barely know about... You're willing to be better, I forgive you too...", he stood up "I hope you can forgive me too, ...when I used you to relieve stress...", Brandi giggles "It's okay... I used you too... But that's what friends are for, right?". Matt shouted in disgust "Ewwwwwwww!", Aspen giggles "Awww, that's sweet♡ but... we need to hurry and find the boss right?". Leo glares "Yeah, lets find beat him! We need to stop them sacrificing anyone else!", they split up once more... Minutes later Leo arrives in N's room! "Welcome Leonard, I'm happy to see you again, I knew fate would bring us together once more!", Leo walks to him "N listen, your people...". He interrupted "Are evolving humans, father might seem harsh but we must forward...". Leo replied "They're killing people! I tried to say it before, but you seemed so excited..." (N stares in shock as the pilot finished) "I... saw it happen, they're FORCING people to evolve, but if they can't, they die horridly!". N answers "I assume you might be telling me the truth, but I can't turn back on my people! Not after everything they've done!", Leo stepped back as N yells "I have to do this! Whether I believe you or not, whether it's true or not! If your truth... is correct, if you're right, prove it! You ARE INDEED the 1, the 1 who opposes me! Show me, if my "Ideals" are injuring people, nomatter what happens, if your way is right: your "Truth" will shine forward!", N grows Zekrom Wings, eyes, claws and Tail! Leo florished Resherim wings again!? They both Fly to eachother! Leo used MegaKick, N used LightScreen, the pilot canceled then uses FocusPunch! N flung away, and fires Thunder! Leo dodges and fires AuraSphere! N ragdolls violently, and flips up in surprise, he then used ZenHeadbut! Leo slides back and breathes ChargeBeam! N leered and used DragonRush! Leo flung back, then  gets up to see N using Inferno! Leo's engulfed, he then used WingAttack! N grabs with SeismicToss! Then follows up with IronHead! Leo flips over violently, he then used Bounce, Thunder suddenly struck him! Leo lets it hit and used AirCutter, then followed up with SuperSonicStrike! N used Blizzard as Leo hits! The pilot freaked... then shook his head "No... I saw wrong, he didn't use more than 4 elemental Moves...", N suddenly used Psychic! Leo's flung into the ceiling! Destroying it, he uses AuraSphere again, N used Fly to counter, they both ragdoll back... N then used FusionBolt! Leo subconciously uses FusionFlare!? They hit! It completely destroyed the room! N stood back up as Leo stumbles up in surprise! N leers "This is what humans can evolve to, if we go further we might use any elemental Move we want, instead of being limited to 4 and and normal evolution/attacks, if lives are truly being lost as a result, show me now! "Legend"!", N uses AerialAce! Leo uses Fly, then follows with WingAttack, N slid back then bounced to him using GigaImpact! Leo flung back far, then mistakenly used ExtraSensory!? N tripped, Leo tries to use DynamicPunch! N used Submission! Leo winced then used SkyDrop! N almost used FusionBolt, when Leo notices and switched to WingAttack! They destroy the floor! N faints, as Leo barely stands... N starts to wake up "I... ... I... I... failed?! But I'm suppose to be... the hero... I...", he stood... "That me... means... that must only mean... you were telling...", Leo replies yes... "I was right, because I saw it! Your people are using you, they're lying to you, and kill people while using your thoughts and beliefs to fool people into inviting them into their organizations, that's how they tricked so many, and why they don't care now if people know! They're too strong now!". N freaks "I WON'T ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN ANYMORE! Come with me, let's talk to...", Ghetis suddenly walks into the room! Leo feels PoisonNeedles tab him in his back! He faints, but can barely still hear Ghetis speak "You were worthless, I assumed I could use you to take over, but now I have to go with the backup plan!", N wondered "Father... what do you?", he uses SkyUppercut! N drops, to weak to even stand... As Ghetis explained "I'm NOT YOUR FATHER, you retard! I found your slow ass in the woods, and found that strangely, you are 1 of the few that can evolve into legend... But I needed the 1 who could evolve into the Mascot of Truth, that's why I used you as our "King" to get us into power... Afterwards I hid the fact we were using you, to capture people who'd fit our god's discription of Truth... But you failed me! Now I must look in another area, there's no 1 else here who'll fit it... He notices Leo still breathing... "Oh... still alive, you must've heard everything... But... I have a idea for you, you won't help us, but I have a way to force "it" to work anyway..." Several Plasma soldiers with Machamp and Sawk muscles, restrain Leo, he attempts to get aloose... "Shit... I might be still concious, but now I know why fighters need to be checked up on in the center... my body's so heavy...",

They walk outside, Leo hears his friends struggling too!? He turns to see Matt, Aspen and Brandi all being held by Psychic!? They walk towards a field with instruments of torture scattered everywhare... Leo stered in fear as he watches them get closer...
To Be Continued...

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