

Leo's dragged to a wall, and pinned to it via SacredSword and SecretSword...

The Pilot tries to pull away, until a Plasma grunt used MegaPunch in his face... Leo starts bleeding, he then looks back up at the grunt... "You're wondering what the hell's happening, huh? Thought this was gonna be a fair fight? No, you expected this... but not this!". The Plasma and Rocket grunts all grow Monster parts!!! Leo stares in surprise "Wha...", the grunt used LowKick in his teeth!!! Then stands erect "You think you're the only one who can do this? Before you stopped our progress: our god was able to give us these powers! Remember Ghetsis!!?", another grunt stabs between one of Leo's ribs!!! He coughs blood as the Plasma Grunt continues... "We could transform anytime, but you had to stop it!!!! You couldn't stop being such a baby that you had to kill BOTH OF OUR leaders!!! You think you're different!!! You think you're special!?", he used FocusPunch and cracks Leo's skull... "You're just like everybody else, you're just to retarded to realize it!". Leo looks up and is hit by Stomp!!! "Our god... it's long purple tail, cat ears and paws... red eyes... it was at a peak of evolution! It could go both X and Y forms... It was perfect! But apparently, humans in it's world hurt it, after torturing them... it had so much more hatred left, it NEEDED someone else to satisfy it's bloodlust for causing horrible pain! That's where we came in! We only needed sacrifices, something to let it be happy, and vessal! But you had destroy a beautiful thing!!!", he stabs through Leo's shoulder then leans down to him... "What do you think should happen?". Leo replies "Sttthop it... let... let the ba...", he suddenly stabs through his mouth via HornAttack!!! Leo coughed blood into the grunts face, the evil man seethed and MegaKicks his teeth HARD!!! "The funny part is... Your body repairs at a incredible speed, faster than other Celestials... so we can keep going until we're satisfied! And...". He used Vicegrip on Leo's neck "We don't even have your damned, stupid kid!  It's back at the hospital, you came all this way for nothing, dumbass! You...", he used ShadowClaw into his chest... Blood sprays everywhere as he cuts through his ribs!!! "You're such a puss...". Leo replies "At leashhht I'm noth inane!", the grunt stabs through his eye with SacredSword!!! Leo yells in pain as the grunts start to laugh and guffaw! The grunt holds his head with the force of Wrap, Leo grinded his teeth in pain as bloods forced out of his eye hole... "I'm the ONLY one allowed to talk here... any questions you THINK YOU heard, are rhetorical, dumbass!". He Slams his head back into the stone wall!!! The ther grunts start using every punch Move to beat him as the other grunt walked away... "We discovered something though... something interesting: if we "eat" you like Ghetis was planning to, then we could regenerate too... So after we're tired, our scientists will enjoy picking you apart, looking inside, and seeing what makes you tick!!!". A Rocket Grunt used SecretSword to stab Leo's other eye out, as his left one grows back... "Oh shit, he's fucking crazy, it's like it's already completely back!!!", Leo writhes until the other grunt comes back and used GastroAcid on Leo's face!!! Leo tries not to yell and let acid pour inside, and tries to jump up as hard as he can!!! His body jerked in pain! The grunt laughs as he gets to Leo's eye level... "You can't move, can ya? It's because our god showed us Hyperspace Hole with his power, with his powers embedded into my arm, every ailment is coursing through your body!". Leo tries to move again, but only now realized Paralysis running through his body and Burns covering his body, he also feels Poison flowing inside, with his inner parts Frozen... Leo tries to move until the grunts start back beating him...
Meanwhile, Aldith holds Avata in Blackthorn Hospital... The exgrunt smiles sadly at the baby "It's alright, I won't let anyone hurt you: I was suppose to kill you either way... but... I already turned away from that life 2 years ago. I finally have my chance to get free...". The nurse rocks Avata slowly "Your dad should be able to make it back... But if he doesn't: I'll take care of you."...
Back with Leo, he's beaten mercilessly as the grunts grunts laugh and cackle insanely! They start speeding up as they got excited, until a Rocket grunt hopped up "W... w, w... wait! Lessee if he can survive this!!!". He used SacredSword to cut Leo in half!!!! Leo yells in horrifc pain, then slowly fixed back!!! The Plasma grunt leers "Have fun? I can imagine what your friends are getting now, especially your wifey...", Leo jerked again, but is stabbed in his ribs!!! Another grunt used Triplekick into his face and crotch! Leo coughed blood as he's beaten continuously, until anoth grunt laughed "Let's try the other direction!!!". The Plasma grunt smiles "Becareful, we still him alive to become immortal!", the Rocket grunt laughed "I'll do it REAL careful!!!". He bisects Leo!!!
Meanwhile, Celia hears her husband screaming!!! "We need to get out of here!!!!" she yells! Matt replied "I know, but these chains are REALLY hard!!!". She yells "Not for us, for Leo!!! He's dying!!! I can feel his pan, since he has Psychic Powers... and he's... he's... dyin...". Brandi glared "Then let's push to our limits... No more thinking he'll break out at any moment!", Aspen used Vinewhip to tear the wall open!!! Matt grew MegaGlalie skin, eyes and fangs!!! He used IcicleCrash to shatter the chains off his friends! Aspen grows MegaVenasaur flowers on her breasts, and MegaVenasaur claws, fangs and eyes! She used BulletSeed and StunSpore to paralyse and incapacitate the grunts coming!!! Brandi grows MegaCharizard wings, claws, talons, fangs and tail!!! She used Flamethrower to completely destroy their restraints... except Celia's! She naps loose from the wall via Strength, the friends notice her MegaLopunny limbs, fur and ears... Then start running down the long dark halls... They look through every passage seemingly leading out, but can't find a way out... Many Grunts ran through the hall at them "Shit, we took too long on that bastard!!!", Matt glares as he noticed Leo's blood pouring off their gloves, he used AbsoluteZero and IcicleCrash to freeze and pin them to walls! Aspen used VineWhip to break limbs off the grunts, Brandi kills them via Inferno! Celia simply used DizzyPunch and DoubleSlap to one-hit-kill Grunts and soldiers that run up! Brandi glares as she used OverDrive Inferno on a wall... "They made the walls out of some kinda shit! I can't blast through, we'll have to find a opening to get to him!!!". They continue to run around the hall... Celia sees holes showing a glimpse of what's happening... Screams and yells from her husband raises, as laughing gets more joyous, then dies down... it suddenly rose again!!! Celia starts freak out, tears ran down her face as she could only imagine the horor he was going through!!! 
Leo breathes heavily as blood pours from his head, torso and limbs... he slowly fixed back so they could break him again... Colress walks back to the Pilot... I'm curious, what if we gave him a fatal injury?", they stare at the grevious wounds littering his body... "If splitting him in half, crushing his skull and puncturing his lungs won't kill him... will other injuries such as...". He grew a metalfist... "Opened throat kill him?", the other grunt ran back to Leo "Lemme try!!!". He used Sacred sword to slit Leo's throat!!! Ths Pilot gasps for air, as he starts fading... his vision goes blurry, as he starts losing consciousness... His eyes glow LightBlue!!!! Leo tore loose from the blades, his hands tear off!!! One regrows, as the grunts suddenly start beating him again! Leo quickly used DynamicPunch to kill the grunt who slit his throat, then fires Swift to murder Colress!!! Grunts charge Leo, and start tearing off flesh via ShadowClaw and SecretSword!!! Leo starts stabbing back with SacredSword via his exposed bone!!! His friends came in time to see Leo murdering millions of grunts, every hit sends a Shockwave, killing others surrounding him!!! Celia comes and stares in horror, tears well in her eyes to see her husband opened up and bleeding!!! Leo used SacredFire to burn many surrounding him, a grunt leaps over and used IcicleCrash to tear his chest open!!! Leo snaps one of his rib-bones out and used BoneClub to murder him and the others!!! Matt yells "C... c'mon, we hafta help him... e...even if we're afraid!", he and his friends ran to the fight!!! A grunt sees them!!! "Butch, kill them! Don't let them interfere!!!", he fires OverdriveInferno!!! The others are Burned, as Brandi leaps at him using FusionFlare!!! It burns him to death, as the the others keep going to Leo!!! James walks out onto a balcony and used Never-Ending-Nightmare to hold them, then followed up with Guillotine!  The tentacles started to snap their necks, Celia saw and used Foresight and AuraSphere to break them!!! Jessie used OminousWind to jack their powers HIGH up, then followed up with AcidDownpour!!! Celia drooped some, then turns toward Leo still fighting by himself... She then ran towards him, hoping Leo could free them easily... When he suddenly used Psychic!!! All grunts in the room die, people who would start a gang die around the world, even ancestors of gang members and people raising them die too! The event was far more horrific and outreached than 2 years ago, all around the earth, many suddenly die... Celia looks horrified as everybody suddenly drops... 

A brilliant, beautiful, shining light suddenly engulfs her and Leo... Genesis Supernova warps them away...

To Be Continued...

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