


Leo ran to the Mistralton gym, his friends follow him! Matt complains "Brother! you can't go now! What about the injuries from that other fight?", the man replies "I feel awesome, now that I spoke to Mrs Jefferson: I can do this!!!". Aspen giggles "I'm glad you feel better! But... I don't wanna see another fight now...", she smiles warmly "Go ahead and fight now, since you feel better now, I'll just cheer next gym!". Leo turns around "Shit... it's not fun alone... I'll wait!", Matt sighed "(phew...) I'll have time to trade more cards!", Aspen giggles "Thanks! Don't worry, I'll be better soon... heehee", Brandi replied as she leaves with them... "You should becareful with your body though... It might give out, before you give up". Leo follows them... when he hears a unfamiliar voice?,

"Hi Leonard♪!" Leo turns toward Skyla! He stares at the curvy pilot as she continues "Richard told me you wanted to challenge the gym!". Leo snaps out of it "Yeah! Um... You... you're the?" she giggles "I'm your boss! And the Mistralton Gym Leader, Heehee!♪". Leo looks surprised "Skyla?! This is the first time, I've seen you up close! I only ever heard your name...", she laughs "I have to work hard too, and I like flying on breaks! But I'll take you now!" Leo smiled as he follows Skyla in the Mistralton gym, she then says "I've watched everyone, despite being away... I noticed that inspite of your happy act... You stress too much.". They travel up a tower, then out onto a balcony!? " I was inspired to make this, to relieve my pilots (you) and other Fly Types of stress..." she smiles excitedly! Leo looks up from Skyla's butt as she cheerfully explains "Our "battle" will be a Aerial race! heehee♪! Fighting's too easy, so I tried airbattles, but even that got boring. So I came up with something that'll let me fly all the time: a race!". She giggles "The purpose of a gym is to test Celestial Challengers, so I can still do this as opposed to fighting♪!". Skyla  then shows him her course "See!? I made a ground course for other Types, and ♪this 1 for us!" she twirls to him "Everything's allowed! As long as you pass through every ring♪!" Leo quickly takes his eyes off Skyla's breast and replies "I'm ready to race! This'll be easy!", Skyla runs to the starting line! "Awesome♪ We'll go now!". Leo walks beside her Let's do it!", Skyla laughs, as the referee then says "The rules are standard: The 1st racer to pass through every ring, wins! Neither can use weapons, help or drugs, if you miss even 1, you'll be disqualified. Begin!". Skyla grows Giant Swanna wings and beak! Leo grows Giant Mega Pidgeote wings! They Fly! Leo thought  "She's already far away!" , he uses QuickAttack to catch up!!! Skyla turns around as he gains on her "♪Heehee♭!" she fires AirCutter to him! Leo dodged then uses Swift! Skyla's hit, then fires WaterGun! Leo curves pass it, then uses ChargeBeam! Skyla uses AquaRing to deflect it! Then countered using Hurricane! Leo flung off the course, as she speeds away! He uses QuickAttack to catch up to her,"!", and Acrobatics! Leo then uses AerialAce, he almost gained air, when she uses Whirlwind Leo hooked around it and fires ThunderBolt! She defends with AquaRing again, then fires Surf! Leo flies high over and swooped to her with Megapunch! Skyla's knocked away, then uses Hurricane! Leo falls. He watches Skyla use ExtremeSpeed toward the goal, with Agility! He uses BreakneckBlitz to catch up, they both flew to the goal at inhuman speed! Leo stretches his hand forward and touched the goal, winning by a finger! The referee then says "Skyla was beaten, Leonard's the winner!" as the pilot drops... Skyla lands beside him, then caught the man and lied him in the grassy field. "Hee... you won♡..." she giggles out of breath... "Despite those injuries..." she lied next to him.

Leo tries to catch his breath "I... I... could barely... But... I felt good before... inspite...", Skyla rolls to him "Ah... you're like me in more ways than 1...", she crawls onto him "♪You love to go as far as you can, when you can: ...like me flying as much as I can... ♪You're a pervert too♡..." Leo smiled "You're... one, too?!". She kissed Leo, they start groping eachother until they here a loud voice, several feet away... Leo stops... "Dammit, he always kills the mood". Skyla smiles "You go and talk to your friends, here..." she kisses him once more, placing the Jet Badge in his mouth, then gets off and leaves... Leo watches her... until his friends come up, Matt then shouts "Brother!? I thought you were going to rest 1st, then we'll meet up at the Celestial Center?", Leo smiles wrily "Shit... um... I... uh...", Aspen giggles "What happened!? You look flushed!". Leo revealed "I... already have the Jet Badge." Matt freaked "Brother! You couldn't wait!?", Aspen giggles "Ah... But, why you're so bothered looking♡?", Leo freaks "Ah... I tried to stop it, but I kinda, fell for her being so kind and cheerful, I couldn't say no to my boss... I'm pissed that I raced her, without telling you guys..." Matt sighs "A race? I'm kind of curious, but if it's not a battle, I don't care that much...". Aspen giggled "No 1 expected you to stay down, so let's go!", Leo replies "Yeah, let's head to Iccirus!". Matt fussed at Leo as they all travel along route 7... trying to make him go to the center before they leave civilization again! The friends excitedly go through the field to Twist Mountain!

To Be Continued...

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