The friends walk to Dewford town, they look around the port...
Leo looks around "This is much smaller than Rustboro...", Matt adds "More sickening too: that ride over here was makin' us both Seasick!", Aspen laughs "You guys need to chill, if you learned how o swim, everythin'll be okay!", Brandi sighs "I kinda know how they feel, I'm going... that way!". She walks away as Jamie laughed "You are as weak as they are! A little water isn't THAT bad!", Wallace leers "Ah, these two have a reason for being... sick!". Celia turns toward them "Yes... Matthew nor my Dear Leo...", Leo finishes "Can swim...". Matthew adds "Seeing this sucks!!!", Jamie leers "My boyfriend cannot swim!? You are part Water Type, right?!". Matthew glares "D... don't make funna me! I hadn't fet like trying it! Besides, I haven't seen you swim!", Jamie leers "Ah, then I shall you, Matty!". She walks to the shore... and grew Metagross Skin, eyes and claws!!! She dives in and speeds off, then swam back to shore, doing a flip onto land!!! Her friends stare in awe!!! Matt freaks "W... wait!!! I thought you were a Battle Girl! Last time we fought, you only had blue skin: now you have red eyes and claws?!", Jamie giggled "I was a Acefighter! But I got bored of it, so I became a Battle Girl! I am learning Fight Type Moves now instead! I hated my Evolution like you two do!". Leo stares at Matt... The Iceworker then replies "That's how come?! But, it looks like you're still ...a Steel Type!?", Leo snickered as she explains "Yes... I can't exscape what I am: the more I train, the more I evolve: Unless I am a Legend, or lose it... I am forever a Steel Monster, despite my training...". Matt runs to her "Donlt worry, we'll work together to be the best Fight Tyoes ever, even though I'm Ice and you're Steel... Hey..." Aspen laughs "You just realized?!". Matt sighed "Yeah... everybody I'm close to has a weakness to me, or is Strong against me...", Leo laughs "I'm glad Celia is a Normal Type! She loves me, but it's reassuring neither one of can seriously hurt eachother by mistake!", Celia smiles warmly as Aspen giggled "Shit, I want someone who could hurt me: it's kinda fun to be with someone who can tear you apart! Heeheehee!". Matt sighs "You're a weirdo...", Wallace adds "Ah, this talk of friendship and Relationships is moving, but ket us hurry to the gym!". Leo leers "Let's go!", they prepare to go when they see Brawly staring at them!!! "Hey buddy!", Leo stares "Me?". Brawly laughs "Hahahaha! Yeah! But not yet, I wanna help that guppie there!", he points to Matt! Matt jumps "Wh... what, me?!". Brawly laughs "Yeah!!! I saw you be shamed in front of ya Pearl there, I'm gonna help ya out!", Matt turns his head "No thanks! I'm fine!". Brawly walks to him "Ah dude, don't be like that! Ya wanna impress the cutie, right!?", Matt looks at Jamie smiling at him "Yeah... but, wh...". Brawly interrupts "Awesome!!! Then let's teach ya both how ta swim! Your bodies's are 90 somethin' % water if ya not Fire or Ground Types! So ya should be able ta swim!!!". Matt freaks!!! "S... swim... swim!!!?", Leo adds "I can't... being Fly Type, and part Fire Type will make it bad for me to even try!". Brawly laughs "Alright! But when ya become Legend, somethins easy as Swimmin'll be expected! But as for you:..." he points to Matthew! "Ya got no excuse not to know! My info says ya Ice, and Part Fight and Water Types! You should knw how by now!". Matt jumped "Excuse me, "muscles" I don't hafta know how to!", Brawly laughs "Ya do if ya wanna keep her, an' be a Awesome Fight Type! Now git here!", Matt follows him to the shore... " simply take off that heavy jacket an' git in tha water!". The Ice Worker retorts "No! What does this gotta do with Fighting?!", Brawly sighed "It'll help ya muscles, trainin' and walkin's great! But if you wanna work out your WHOLE body, ya gotta work everything! That includes ya pecks, biceps ect... Now jump in!". Matthew took off his jacket, revealing his still muscular body from moving ice before and training now... Then jumps in the water! Brawly stares "Alright... ya should be able to keep afloat by letting your arms out like this!", Matt floats easily... "Hey...". Brawly laughs "Ya part Water Type man! It'll be a drop to learn how to swim for ya! Now do tha doggy padde! It'll easily come to mind, just watch!", Matthew starts swimming in a circle... Brawly leers "Alright, try something a little harder! Tha breaststroke!", he gestured how to do it, Matt watches and tries! He pushed forward fast!!! But freaked out and starts sinking!!! "He... help... I...", Leo ran towards the water and Flourishes his wings!!! Brawly stops him "Wait... he can't drown THAT easily... watch...", Matt starts to float over water... then sees Jamie beside him?! "Jamie!!!? I... I'm sorry you saw that", she giggles "It is okay Matty! I do not care if you are a Water Type that can not swim, I still lo... like you alot!", Matt blushed slightly "I... I...". He glows brightly!!! Everyone stares excitedly at him as evolves?! They see Matt with Glalie skin, eyes and spikes protruding from his fingers... Jamie stares "M... matty?!", Brawly leers "Awe shit... You evolved!? I guess ya like her alot, huh?!", Matt yells "Shut up!!! um... What's your name?!". Brawly laughs "I'll tell ya later, but for now... your ability: Levitate, should help ya over!", Matt floats to shore! Then Mega Evolves! Brawly laughs "Had a stone with me, wanted to see if he was tha one that was gonna use it! Mega Matt!!!" Matt stares at his Mega Glalie body.... "I... I'm a new monster?!". Brawly explained "Yeah, you can't evolve into anything out of your Type under normal conditions! So you evolved into a different Ice Type Monster! Luckily, you should be able to do more for your fighting like this! Plus, if you DID like your previous form: you gonna turn back once the excitement wears off!", Matt smiles at Jamie! She giggles "Matty, I can tell what you are thinking by your eyes, but... You never remove your scarf, can I see your mouth?!". Matt takes it off... then sees his friends jump back!!!? "What!!!?", Jamie shivered your mouth!!!!", he uses StalactiteCrash and looks at himself in the ice reflection!!! He sees his creepy Glalie mouth!!! Then quickly puts his scarf back on!!! And reverts back! Brawly laughs, as Leo asks "Um... thanks for showing this... I thought I was the only crazy man here...", Brawly laughs "Ya still are, you're the only man on earth that evolved THAT many times!". Leo laughs as the gym leader then says "Oh yeah, I'm Brawly! Dewford's Gym Leader!", the pilot stops in surprise as Wallace says "Alright! Let us go, finally! To the Dewford gem!"...
The friends go inside, and sees a crowd waiting for them... The friends sit in the bleachers as a referee came up between Leo and Brawly...
To be continued...
The friends go inside, and sees a crowd waiting for them... The friends sit in the bleachers as a referee came up between Leo and Brawly...
To be continued...
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