Miscellaneous Reunion▼!
Leo and Brandi hear the jet: "WE ARE NOW LANDING IN MAUVILLE", she looks up from lying on Leo's back, stradling him as they look through it's windows!
The jet lands in Mauville Airport, the two get off the jet "Stop Brandi! I told you, you can't be doin' that, especially now!" Leo laughs, she giggled "You want it! Or ya wouldn't laugh when I tickled you!". The pilot retorts "I'm... ticklish! St... stop, or...", Brandi laughs "You'll LOVE it♪?". She then stops... "Oh fuck, is that the same place!?", Leo turns to see Mauville condominium "It looks like a freaking castle!?". Wattson happens by "Leonard, Brandi!!! It's great ta see ya again, WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", Leo replies "Wattson!?". Brandi smiled "I'm glad to see you, too!", Wattson laughed "I know! But you there... Leo: You seem surprised?". Leo almost answers when the gym leader adds "Oh, you didn't think I'd NOT congratulate you on you victory, just today, huh? Wahahaha!". The pilot replied "I didn't think everyone would watch!?", Wattson chuckled "Yeah we DID!!! And just to reward ya for tryin' so hard: I'll give ya some advice!". He leans to Leo "Ya need to relax: you already passed the the threshold to become a legend! Heck, ya leveled up PASS the point any of us have! But you never transformed during a fight?", he grew Zekrom eyes and wings!!! His skin turns black as he said "I didn't even THINK I could possibly have legendary parts, but a little change up there: an' all kinds of things happen!", he reverts back as he laughed "Free your mind, Leo! And everything will be fine!". Wattson marched away... Leo stares "I'm happy now, I wonder what he means? Am I hiding something from myself?", Brandi replies "You are pretty pure-hearted: I told Olivia all about you, and she felt like she knew you for years... I can't believe you'd have any problem now?". Leo stares at his hands... "I WAS upset back then... we saw what was wrong before... I can't imagine what's wrong...", he then says "On a darker note: I was surprised he's still alive!?". Brandi jumps "It's only been 2 years!", Leo explained "It's a bad habit me and my siblings had: if someone looked old, we'd assume they died shortly after we met them...". Brandi laughs as they start walking to the condominium "Fuck... Hey, you mentioned your family before, how were your siblings like?", Leo replies "I said it before, but... They could do whatever they wanted, while dad made me be a Fly Type, pilot... they could be whatever they want... He was hard on all of us, but they could choose what they wanted in the end... While I was stuck being this... They became, lazy, perfectionists, and creative... while I had to keep my creativity bottled in... And perfect what he wanted me to do, dad eventually started favoring them too... I was alone until I met Richard and Matt...", he smiles "That's why I'm so happy to have met him! Everything my siblings weren't, Matt was!". Brandi smiles as he continues "He didn't have siblings at all, and I was what he wanted as a brother! We were so happy back then, I'm glad I can finally see him now!"", they go inside the new Mauville Towers. The two walk through the beautifully decorated building, chandeliers were in every area they walked through, as they searched for Matt's room. They finally came to the 5th floor... "Awesome, this should be it!" Leo cheers, they walk closer, and see a familiar silhouette coming to them... "Leo, Brandi♪?" Wallace asks. Leo and Brandi looks excited as they see the Hoenn champion "Wallace!?", "Hey buddy!". They come closer as Wallace laughs "It really is you two!", he kisses Brandi's hand "My dear Brandi, you have become much more beautiful since we last met...". She blushed and looked away as he turns toward Leo "As for you, I saw your performance: you out-shown many with your beautiful Moves! Congratulations, Celestial!". Leo smiles "Th... thank you!", Wallace chuckled "But what are you doing here? I thought you'd be celebrating back at home?". Brandi replies "He wanted to see us again♪!", Leo adds "Yeah! We woulda had Asp here too, but she left Sunnyshore before we could catch up!". Wallace tilted his head "Oh... She did? Your Celestial Powerdex should be able to track her...", Leo replies "I never learned to use it, I just typed in a name and went to where it said to...". Wallace smiles "My dear Leo, it is a non-intrusive app: You must also tell it to track your target, or it'll only tell you the current location. But never never normally stalk them.", Leo smiles "Thanks! After seeing Matt, the rest of tha trip'll be easy!", he knocks on the door... "So you 2 are only looking for friends and going back?" Wallace asks, Brandi replies "Yeah! Leo has to hurry back, because he's abou...". The door opens before she finished, Matt stares in shock at his Best friend... "BROTHER!!!?" he leaps to him, Leo smiles warmly as he reached out "Brother!". Matt hugs Leo, as Leo pats his back "Brother, it's been TOO long!", "Don't worry man, we're together now!". Wallace teared up, Brandi noticed "Oh shit... You never saw a reunion, before?!", Wallace replies "Yes, I have... b...but, people are so formal, and platonic these days... It is a surprise to see this, even I only greet my master with a bow... This is SO touching!". Matt laughs "So what're ya doing here?!", Leo replies "I'm coming to visit everyone! I wanted to see ya during my ladt go through the league, but I couldn't!". Matt replied "I wanted to see, but you finished so damn fast, we couldn't get there in time!". He looks at the others "Oh!!! Brandi, Wallace!!! You're here too!!!?", Brandi waves "Hey Matty!!!'. Wallace bows "My dear, Matthew.", Matt smiles happily, then noticed "Where's Aspen, Jamie and Celia?!". Leo replies "We couldn't get to Aspen yet, and Jamie was working... Celia's at ho...". A black battlegirl suddenly walked out of their condo, too! "Who... Leonard!!!? Wallace!!!? Wh, what are 2 Champions doing here!?", Leo replies "I'm just coming to see my buddy!", Wallace smiles "Me too!". She punched Matt's head "Why didn't you tell me that 2 damn champions were coming!?", Matt retorted " I didn't know, Kinsey! I'm surprised too, now STOP hitting me already!". Kinsey growls as the others watch awkwardly... Leo then asks "Um, I'm sorry... did I...", Kinsey interruptsv"No, no!!! It's fine! Ahhh, would ya do me a quick favor!?'. Leo shrugs "Yeah!", she gets out her cell "Lemme take a pic of the 2 champs, together!?". Leo stands by Wallace, they pose... Kinsey almost takes it... when she yells "Matthew, get the heck outta tha shot!!!". He yelled back "I'm his Brother, I should be able to be in it!", he stomps away as she took it! "Thank you so much!" she says as she hurries back into the condo to share it... Leo sighs "Oh shit... It's kinda rough here... is she? ...", Matt replied "Yeah, she's my girlfriend: Kinsey! I wish she'd stop hitting me though, we'd get along fine if she did...". Brandi then asks "What happened with you and Jamie? You both were happy, right?". Matt walks to his friends "Nah, she was too boring! At least me and Kinsey get everything out in the open, when we talk! No secrets!', he then leered "Now let's go!!!". Leo replies "Is it okay with Kinsey?!", Matt yells "HEY KINSEY, I'M GOING WITH BROTHER!!!!". She replied "YOU DON'T HAFTA TELL ME EVERYTBING, YOU DUMB TURD!!! AN' TAKE OFF THAT DAMN SCARF BEFORE YOU GO OUTSIDE!!!". Leo stares as Matt cheered "You're really happy?", the coldworker replied "Yeah, I am! What about you? You left with Celia, but now you're here by yourself?!". Leo smiles warmily "Because she's at home with our baby!", Matt freaks "Oh shoot, why didn't you invite me ta be the best man at your wedding!!!?". Leo replies "It was a quick thing, I didn't have time to tell anyone!", Matt leers "Oh ho... but that means ya got yourself set now, now you're tied down, you can't run free like us single men!", he playfully punches at Leo as he hits back! Brandi laughs "Stop hitting eachother before you hurt the other, and you both cry!". Leo jumped "Oh shit, I forgot!" he starts typing on his cell, as Matt asks "Where are we going, now!?", Wallace smiles "You guys will be seeing Aspen, I'm going back to work...". He walks away... Leo turns, as Matt pleads "Awww, but it'll be lonely without everyone...". The Champion replied "I'm sorry, while the world is safe, it still needs Legends to maintain everything. There's no threats of gang interference, but we still need to keep dissaters away...", he looks at Leo "I also hope to see you in the Celestial League meeting place, someday.". Leo replies "I would... but I've been told I'm too "flighty" to maintain anything...", Wallace smiles "It'll only be for meetings, and will ot interfere with your personal life... though, I understand: Members like Blue stay rare to find at the building!". He smiles warmly as he turns away "Bye, my dears...", they wave bye... Then hurry off to Mauville Airport!
Leo ran inside the jet as Matt and Brandi catch up, Leo programs the destination "Alright," the other 2 stop talking, noticing Leo getting excited! "Time to see Aspen!!!". The jet takes off across the sea!!!
To Be Continued...
Leo ran inside the jet as Matt and Brandi catch up, Leo programs the destination "Alright," the other 2 stop talking, noticing Leo getting excited! "Time to see Aspen!!!". The jet takes off across the sea!!!
To Be Continued...
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