

Leo stared at Roxanne as the referee says "This is the battle between Leonard of Mistralton and the Roxanne! Both sides will continue until either's unable to continue, begin!",  he flourishes his Shiny Noctowl wings! Roxanne grew Probopass eyes, nose and skin!!! She floats off the ground as three shiny minature noses float around her!

Leo uses Fly, Roxanne rushes toward the center of the arena and fires Thousandarrows!!! Leo drops as they pass him, she used StoneEdge!!! Leo uses Hurricane, to deflect it!!! She uses Rollout and knocks him into the floor, Leo bounced up and used Thunderbolt!!! She easily dodges and fires FlashCannon!!! Leo flies from the beam as she chases him, then used a rapid fire RockBlast!!! The Pilot thought as he's followed "Shit... She's too fast, How can I get close enough for a hit?!", he used ExtremeSpeed!!! Roxanne leered as she uses QuickAttack!!! Leo stops as she meets him with RockSlide!!! Leo tries to use FocusPunch, she fakes him out then uses ThousandArrows!!! Leo winced in pain as she circles around to his side and used StoneEdge!!! Leo thought as the stones tear his uniform "Dammit!!! She's going faster and faster!!!! I... know: she's trying to push me into evolution! I have to change emotions... so... I have to use my anger at this, the constant attacks, I...", Leo uses RockSmash!!! He pushed pass the StoneEdge as it tears a long scratch in his arm!!! Blood flies everywhere as he Smashed her into a wall!!! The referee stares at her... "Roxanne?!!! Sh... she's unable to battle, Leo's the winner!", she stood up... "G... good job... Leo...". She walks to him "Now, let's see what we've done!", Leo flares his wings!!! They stay exactly the same... Leo sighs "I thought it would work... Even if I understood why you were constantly using supereffective Moves...", Roxanne sighs "Awwww, I thought constantly overwhelming you, would make you force more power out... Ah, sorry Leo!".

 Leonard smiles "It's alright! I'm happy I'm still able to fight, despite what happened back in Kalos...", she smiles "I'm glad you overcame it... You have a strong constitution despite being overly emotional... That's why I'm happy to present you with the Stone Badge!". Leo takes it "Awesome! I got the Stone badge!", Roxanne giggled "You don't need it since you have a free pass to the Hoenn league! But I believe you deserve a sign that you've beaten the gym!". Leo smiles "Thanks!", Roxanne smiles "You should try the next town! It's not too far, I'm sure they have a plan to force a emotion from you!", Wallace leers "Yes! Maybe the next'll be a little harder! Hahaha!". The friends leave after speaking with the leader, and head to

To be continued...

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