
So It Goes Again

So It Goes Again

Leo stares at himself... he looks into his hands as they go into the Celestial Center... "I... can't transform?", Wallace replied "My dear, Leo... You haven't need to feel bad... We only need to try again!". Leo replies "No... I can't do it... I'm tired of wasting everyone's time and money...", he walks to the center's door... "I only did this for you guys, and nomatter what... nothing's happening...". Matt protested "Brotheeeerrr! You can't give up!", Aspen adds "Don't beat yourself up!", Brandi sighed "Leo... you can't do it to yourself, you're a champion!!!". Wallace smiles wrily "Listen my dear, Leo: You don't have to do that to yourself... You should keep going, if you stop, it'll be failing everybody!" Sun adds "Mr Flyte... I just met you, but this is too sad... You can't give up!".  Leo sighs, "I can't give up... But, I noticed I'm not reaching anyonelse's dreams... I don't want to waste anyone else's time or money..."

They walk outside as Wallace asks "Leo... are you sure?", Leo replies "Yes... I don't to keep stopping everybody's lives for no reason...". Cynthis suddenly runs up to them from her plane! "Hey, so....", Walace sighed "He didn't transform...". Cynthia looks at Leo "Shoot... I'm sorry, but we can't stop here!", the pilot replies "I have to... I'm wasting time doing this... Everytime I fail, someone else's time and money's wasted... I'm not fighting anymore...". Everybody looks surprised as Wallace asks "For real, my friend?!!!", Leo answers "I still love showing off my skills, but I never wanted to fight competitively... I was doing this for someone else... but I never wanted to fight... I also have been getting my dear friends hopes up"(Wallace smiles)"for nothing, and they have jobs, lives and Dreams themselves. There's no reason for me to continue this...". Cynthia grabs Leo's shoulders!!! "Leo!!! You CAN'T do this!!! You know WHY they've "WASTED" time and money on you?! They WANT to see you be a legend!!! THEY WANT YOU TO SUCCEED, THAT'S WHY THEY'VE FOLLOWING YOUR SLOWED OVERPOWERED BUTT!!! I'm not going to tell what to do... but I'll say you'd be making them REALLY upset if you just give up now...", she walk away... Leo sighs "She's right..." he walks to the plane... "Though, you really wouldn't want to follow, right?". Wallace walks to him "I'd love too, I know how hard it is: That's why I've stayed here!", Jamie walks up to Leo, "I came to get your autograph when you have free time, but if you act like this: I am not going to follow or support you!", Matt runs up to him as she stomped away sniffling "Brother... (PLEASE do it, she's been so excited to see you transorm!)". Leo smiles warmly "I guess I couldn't lie, I wanted at least look brave now, but she knws how I still feel..."  he then holds out his hand, a brightblue flame erupts!!! It fades to a Aliceblue as his friend stare in horror!!! "I have all this power, but still can't transform.. there's no reason to keep taking from everyone...". Leo then turns toward the plane... "I'll try for you guys, but I can't see a reason to keep going...", Moon suddenly walks up to him "Oh good! I caught you before you left!", she holds out a Z-Ring... "I heard you felt bad, please accept this! It might make you change your mind!". Leo looks, then grabs the ring... "Thanks!" he smiles "I'll use it, though not competitively... I'll only use it in emergencies...". Moon smiles "Mr Flyte, PLEASE reconsider your decision! Alola needs you, if you're not a Tapu, then someone else does! Please don't give up!", she bowed, then ran "I'd love to have competition, for when I become the next Alola Champion!". Leo sighed "Shit... it hurts more, that everyone's still pushing... but seriously... I shouldn't do it, even if I do... I'd still screw up...", he starts to walk on the plane, his friends stare "Leo... don't do it, if you don't think you can..." Aspen says, Brandi adds "We don't wanna follow anyone who thinks their a loser...", Matt addd "Brother, it's REALLY hard to watch you like this...". Celia stares at her boyfriend and sees the sadness in his eyes.... Leo smiles "I'm sorry... IF you follow me... I might not revert back right away... You'll wait until then?". They almost answer, when Platinum walks out of the plane!!! "Leo♪!?". Leo looks at her "Platinum?! How did you get here!?", she giggles "I rode with Ms Cynthia! Plus, I can warp here with Teleport! What're you doing here?!". Leo replies "I'm... leaving...", Platinum giggles "Leaving!? Oh.... You already beat the Alola league!? OMG! You just been here for 5 days?!!! Oh God... You're so fast!!!!", Leo smiles "Thanks... I only went to the Elit4 though... I'm not that strong... I just fought them 1st...". Platinum looks excited "You BEAT THEM WITHOUT KNOWWING ANYTHING ABOUT THEM!!?????? Oh God... Leo, you're so strong!! I wish I saw you!!!". The pilot blushed... "Thanks... though... I...", she giggles "You're so Awesome and so Badass! Everybodyelse need to train alot 1st, you just came here and beat them all in one swoop!!! You're awe inspiring...". Leo smiles happily "Thanks... I... I... didn't... think you liked my fighting... you never...", Platinum blushes slightly "I didn't see you fight, but just hearing about you from Cynthia and Wallace lately, made me so excited! Please tell me where you're going next?!". Leo blushes slightly.., "Hoenn..." Wallace strokes his chin as Leo says "I want to go there, and see if I'll become a legend if I do a certain plan I thought of a little while ago...", Platinum replies "Awesome♡ Once I finish here... I'll see if I can go too!". Leo chuckled "Awesome... I hope you come in time to see...", she skips pass him "Later♪ Leo! Bye everyone!". They wave cheerfully as she leaves... Leo smiles "I... I want to go to Hoenn, Wallace... can I go? I'm sorry for giving so fast...", Wallace leers "Yes, my dear Leo! Let's go!".

Later on the plane, everyone makes fun of Leo for changing/forgetting his decision after talking to a little girl...  Meanwhile Celia looks out a window as she thought to herself... "Leon cheered up beautifully, upon Platinum coming to fan-girl about him. He changed his mind too easily, based on him knowing us longer, it is almost as if he saw something in her. There is something he still is not telling me... something that everyone avoids: They say were everyone comes from and their dreams, but not what happen to Leonard or why he killed a Plasma Grunt... All I know is, he can not kill and is upset about something, but what is it? What made him give up and try again so fast...". Leo suddenly says "Celia!!! We're finally here!", they look out a window to see Hoenn!!! "I can't wait to go and become a legend!!!!" Leo says!!! They land in LittleRoot, excited for what'll happen!

To Be Continued...

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