♪Metal Woman♪
The friends reach Route126, Leo looks up at the sky, then at the Crater! "This's pretty Awesome!"
Matt adds "Yeah, there's REALLY a city in there!?", Aspen giggles "How the hell people get in there?!", Wallace leered "By Flight or Diving! Though, because of this... our supplies are somewhat limited... especially during a storm...". Brandi then asks "Ah yeah, this IS your hometown, isn't it?", Jamie looks excited "Yes, I heard you were a gym leader at obe time too!". Wallace leers "Yes my dear friends... I WAS a gym leader, but now my dear mentor: Juan is taking over my dear precious gym!", Celia stares at Leo as he talks to Wallace "I noticed when Liza was talking to Leo about Cae... she was so excited, yet... me and Leo seem like old... friends, ...not close, but so casual... I...", she sighs heavily "I haven't tried to make this a "relationship", but... Leo wants to hold on to me... so... I have to cut him off... If I do... he'll be able to fulfill his duty to become a Legend. He's confident with me now... that's why he hasn't pushed himself...". Leo suddenly grabs her!!! "Celia, we barely spoke ever since... in TwinLeaf! Let's stop being scared of eachother and go on a date before we leave Sootopolis!", she smiles sadly "I... I... Yeah... I... would love too...". A swimmer hops out the water!!!? "Hey guys!". Leo jumps "Hey buddy! We're about to Fly over to Sootopolis now! Are ya swimming there!?", the swimmer lears "No man... I already been there! It's easy for me to get there and back, even without transforming!" Leo and Matt freaks "How the shit?!", "Fricking inane, man!". He smiles "Yeah man! I'm as cool as shit!", Aspen giggles as Brandi asks "So what're ya doing now? You kinda just scared the shit outta us!". The man laughed "Sorry guys! I just wanted ta warn ya, there's noises coming from below: I suggest Diving, but don't go too far!", Wallace leered "Thanks...". Leo smiles "Thanks... um...", he holds his hand out "Leonardo!". Leo laughs in excitement! "My name's Leonard!". They shake hands! "That's freaking crazy, you just need a "o" there, buddy!" Leonardo laughs, Leo chuckled too "Ah yeah! We could be "twin brothers" too!". Matt freaks as Brandi smiles at the goofy men! Leonardo then says "Ah yeah, I gotta tell ya something! It's stupid... but I think you'd be interested! I met Steven Stone under the city... He said he found a Stone slab with "Le...nar..." etched in it, but... Nobody he found could activate it, I tried to... but nothing happened! This is a HUGE freaking ass stretch, but maybe you'd be able too! Since your name's Leo!", Leo stares "Hmmm, that might be what I need to see: I'mma champion, trying to be a Legend!". Leonardo laughs "AH SHIT... I WOULD find the guy who needs ta go! Tell me how everything goes, I gotta get home!", he ran away as the friends wave! "Bye!" Leo bids! He turns back towards the city!!! "Alright! ...How do we get under Sootopolis!?", Wallace leers "My dear Leo... Matt can certainly swim there, so can Aspen, and Celia... but you and Brandi must ride down...". Leo stares "Ride... what?!", Brandi added "Why can't I swim down?! I know how!". He leered "My dear friends... Leo, you cannot swim despite being a Champion... And Brandi... despite humans being able to, if you need to transform... you'd be in horrific troube...", he transforms!!! Rayquaza fins, eyes claws and a tail grows from him!!! "Come... my Leo... Brandi, please ride Jamie... We must protect you guys as we Dive down...". Jamie evolves too... "Champion... I can't use Dive, it'll be difficult to not use Full transformation...". He leered "Do not worry, simply relax and swim... do not force and strength...", Leo uncomfortable holds his back... Brandi sat in Jamie's arms... "Why do we have to ride you?! I'd rather ride a man than a small girl!". Wallace walks into the water... "My dear Brandi... It would be awkward if Leo rides Jamie... since she's dating Matt... right?", Jamie turns her head... hiding her face as she walks into the water... They use Barrier, and swim closer to the city... Wallace then used Psychic "My dear Celia... are you sure you'd want to do this?" he asks telepathically... Celia replies "I... have to, so he'll be a legend... he has to be pushed to evolve, right? He'll be satisfied so long as I'm here...". Wallace sighed "Go and help your beloved...I hope it shall evolve him too, we need Leo as much as you do...", he leers as he watches Matt, Aspen and Celia swimming... then use Dive to go underwater... They start reaching the Cave Of Orgin when Celia swims to Wallace... he notices her, then shook Leo to her!? His Barrier stays around him as he floats to Celia, she holds her boyfriend as she uses the Legend's Psychic power to speak... "Leo, ...I...". He looks up "You're part Psychic Type?!", she smiles sadly... "No... I'm a Normal Type... I only have these Bunny ears and tail... no extra power... but...". She sighs heavily... "I... have to tell you something...", Leo stares into her eyes "Listen... I WILL take you on a date, I won't forget... I just realized I've been taking you guys for granted... and spent my time beating myself up, instead of keeping a smile on for you... the people who pushed me this far! I'm sorry...". Celia stares in sadness "Why... he's letting it all out now... He does love me... but, ...I guess being together IS hard for him if he's to be a legend..." she thought, then says "Leo... it's not that... I don't care about the date... Or you being upset... We... have to break up...". Leo suddenly turns around, "WHAT!!!? What's wrong!? I... I'll...". Celia replies "You won't go further if you stay with me! You get too lazy around me and everybody else... so... So!!! You hafta get away from me!", Leo replied "What're you talking about!? I've been pushing harder because of you!!!". Celia glares... she holds tears back as she says "You're... you're a child!!! So long as you have a "parent" everything's alright! That's why you can't do anything now! You don't feel like you have to do anything!!! You don't grow up, because you see me as a mother instead of a partner!", Leo yells as Wallace repowered the Barrier, keeping the conversation quiet "Wha!!! You kept me going!!! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE, WHEN I NEED YOU THE MOST!?", Celia replies "Because... You can't do anything while you have someone... I have no idea what drove you to become champion... But you lost it, and became a kid whe we met... now.... you can't do anything to help earth, because you're too complacement... so... I'm leaving you..." his friends notice something's wrong as they land in the Cave Of Origin... "I wanted to be with a man... not a crying child...". The Barrier dies as they stood... Leo stares at the floor as she walks away... Wallace leers "Ah... now we're here! Time to go up... right, my dear Leo?", Leo looks up staring from the corner of his eye... "Yeah...". Steven suddenly came in!? "Hey! I haven't seen you in years!", Wallce laughed "My dear Steven! I am so happy to ee you again!". They hug, Steven notices the others "More fighters?!", Wallace backs up "Ah... my dear friend these are my friends, their following me to see the creation of a Legend!". He flourished his arms towards Leo! "Leonard, is the next Legend of Earth!", Steven smiles "I heard of you, hey!". Leo headtilts to him "Hey...", Steven leers "Ah, mysterious type, huh?". He laughs "I hope he can evolve!", Wallace leered "He shall, it's just a matter if freedom! As soon as his mind's free of constraint, he'll evolve like me... Ah...", he turns toward his friends! "Who wants to see where I evolved?", Aspen giggled "I DO! This outta be cool!!!". he leers "It is!". They walk deeper into the crater as he explains... "I came here because Maxie and Archie activated the orbs and became Groundon and Kyogre! But couldn't control their power as they were not chosen!". Steven goes further "The current Jirachi: May, came here, and we found Wallace down here" they enter a room full of Sapphires and Rubies "We saw him wandering how to help, and she directed him to Spear pillar...". Wallace laughs "After this, the Earth recognized my feelings and evolved me into a Legend! Rayquaza!", Steven finished "He scared the "spirit" of the monsters back to the orbs, and te two reverted back! She then left and was able to become champion, after that... earth chose her to be a legend!". Wallace leers "That's how it worked, but now... we must try create legends ourselves, so we can save it! That's why we must hurry and power Leo, he has the spirit, but he must free it to use powers like we do!". Steven added "Yes... I heard about Cae and Leo's battle, May was the one to repair the entire city in a Wish... you must possess a INCREDIBLE amount of power to become Legend too!". Wallace then looks up "Well then, let us go! We can swim up or Fly through opened entrances we made through here!", Steven walks to Jamie "Here... this'll make it fun...". He gives her Metagrossite! Jamie grows Mega Metagross skin, eyes, spikes, frame and "bi-legs". She Levitates over the ground! "Wha... tha... thank you, mr Steven!", he leers "It's okay! I heard you were my favorite Typing... so I got ya something!" Everyone evolves to climb/Fly up! Brandi looks at him... "I expect this somewhat... But everyone knows us too?", Steven answers "Yeah, Aspen from some TV show!"(She sighs, laughing)"And we saw you guys on the records when Leo started his journey! I saw Jamie from her recent expidetion to challenge MUCH stronger opponents, and I recognized you all only when Wallace introduced you!"... They all smile except Leo and Celia...
They float onto Sootopolis... Wallace leered "Ah... Juan is waiting, Leo...", Leo looks at the gym..."Alright... one more...". They walk to the gym when Juan suddenly bursts through the door! "Hello my friends, welcome!", Wallace cheers "Ah, my dear Mentor, it's so nice to see you again!". Juan smiled "Like wise my apprentice, your being a Champion always makes me filled with hope! Seeing you again, and with a uprising legend... it's the best thing for a mentor!", Wallace leered "Ah... I'm glad I can fill you with happiness, even in times such as this! Though, this legend here... will help ALOT with this!". He flourished towards Leo... Juan smiles "Ah... Once, I had given up my position as the Gym Leader. In my place, I had entrusted Wallace with the Gym. However, a compelling reason arose for me to make a comeback. Ah, but enough chatter. Let get ready, shall we? Please, you shall bear witness to my artistry.", he walks in as the friends follow... They sit as Leo stares at Juan... the referee came between them...
To be continued...
They float onto Sootopolis... Wallace leered "Ah... Juan is waiting, Leo...", Leo looks at the gym..."Alright... one more...". They walk to the gym when Juan suddenly bursts through the door! "Hello my friends, welcome!", Wallace cheers "Ah, my dear Mentor, it's so nice to see you again!". Juan smiled "Like wise my apprentice, your being a Champion always makes me filled with hope! Seeing you again, and with a uprising legend... it's the best thing for a mentor!", Wallace leered "Ah... I'm glad I can fill you with happiness, even in times such as this! Though, this legend here... will help ALOT with this!". He flourished towards Leo... Juan smiles "Ah... Once, I had given up my position as the Gym Leader. In my place, I had entrusted Wallace with the Gym. However, a compelling reason arose for me to make a comeback. Ah, but enough chatter. Let get ready, shall we? Please, you shall bear witness to my artistry.", he walks in as the friends follow... They sit as Leo stares at Juan... the referee came between them...
To be continued...
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