
Elite Triolet!!!?

Elite Triolet!!!?
Leo rushed to Marshall's room, the Elite4 member glared as Leo flies onto the mat!!!

"I'm ready to go!" Leo cheered, Marshall sneered "I heard what ya did over there... don't think you'd be able to beat me like that!". Leo flourishes his Shiny Unfeazant Wings, Marshall grew a Breloom tail, Throh arms, Sawk legs and Lucario ears! Leo and the Elite4 member used ExtremeSpeed!!! Then follow up with MachPunch and CometPunch respectively!!! Marshall switched off to FocusPunch, somewhow moving faster than Leo could hit!!! Each swing flings a FocusBlast, they destroy the room as Leo barely dodges the attacks!!! Marshall then used HammerFist!!! Leo backflipped to the ceiling and used ExtremeSpeed, Marshall does too and spreads Spores, PoisonPowder and StunSpore!!! Leo stunned for a second, Marshally quickly used RockSlide!!! They go through him?... Marshall used DoubleTeam, but is slammed through the floor via Fly!!! He woke up to see Leo standing over him, un touched?! "H... how?! What the fuck?!". Leo explains "When we were fighting, I used ExtremeSpeed, but followed up with DoubleTeam: you were striking my clones, while I used went high enough to use Fly... I already homed on you before you started DoubleTeam...', Leo almost apologized when Marshall yelled "Don't BABY ME!!! Go an' beat that freak! You doin' the same order, right?! Don't lose, that'll make me look like shit!". Leo ran out "I'll beat 'em all!!!".

He reached Grimsley's room "Alright, I'm baaa-aaack!", Grimsley turns toward him and grew Bisharp limbs, Krookadile tail and Sharpedo eyes!!! "I heard that ruckus in the other room... I checked to see if Shauntal was alright: lucky for you, she is... But I'm still VERY angry...". He glared "Prepare yourself, for my wrath!", Leo sighed "Sorry..." Grimsley used ExtremeSpeed, and follows up with NightSlash!!! Leo used FocusPunch!!! The explosion destroyed the platform!!! Grimsley used AquaJet to stay afloat, Leo zoomed to him using Fly!!! The Elite4 member used DarkPulse!!!  Leo used FireSpin to deflect it, Grimsley leered and used Surf!!! Leo's wings are drenched, he fell to the floor as Grimsley used ExtremeSpeed to charge him, he picks him up with NightSlash and Slams his hand through the floor!??? He stares in surprise, until Thunderbolt almost strikes him!!! He used QuickGuard to stop Leo's attack, then tried NightSlash and AquaTail, to push through it!!! Leo uses Thunder!!! It Paralyzes the Elite4 member, Grimsley still pushed up, until he suffers a Burn too... Then falls as he's knocked out!!! Grimsley wakes up to see Leo staring at him... "Sorry, ...seriously Shauntal's fine!", the Elite4 member sighed "I know... I just felt angry when the room shook and broke like that... But I shall remain cool!", he stood "I don't care: ...life's a game, and I'll win without getting freaked out like everyone else!". Leo smiles "But she wants you to pay more attenti...", Grimsley interrupted "I'm fine! If she cannot see the world is just a toy, like I do... then she paired off with the wrong man! Now go, don't make me and my friends look bad!". Leo ran "I'll do my best!!! I won't lose!!!".

Leo ran inside Caitilin's room, she gets up from bed... "I see, you're back... in the exact same order as last time...", Leo replies "I'm kinda afraid to go another way...". Caitilin laughs "You're trying to trick me... I know the full extent of your powers though: you're smarter than you let on... Leo! No laid-back fighting nature will stop me!". Se grows Gothitelle hair, Metagross hands, Sigilyph wings and Renuclis gel around her body! She used MachPunch!!! Leo used MegaPunch, she follows up with PsychoCut!!! It tears through him, Leo used ThunderPunch!!! Caitilin floats back, dodging as she used Foresight... She then used Confusion!!! Leo used BlueFlare, she uses Psychic to deflect the flames, and used PsyStrike!!! Leo uses Thunder, she glared as she splits the electricity into the walls... then tried Payback!!! Leo used ExtremeSpeed to dodge, she glared as he zooms to her... she used BulletPunch to keep him from striking her with FocusPunch!!! "He is't trying to get Psychic powers, neither is he letting Dark type moves get near him... that must mean...", Caitilin uses DarkPulse!!! Leo flips in the air, she follows up using many Shadowballs!!! Leo flies through and used SuperSonicSkyStrike!!! Caitilin used Never-EndingNightmare, Leo uses BlueFlare to burn the tentacles away, but she used Confusion as he does the attack! Leo leers as nothing happens, she stepped back and uses ConfuseRay!!! Leo burns it, and used ThunderPunch, she quickly used NightSlash to stab through him and follows up with DarkPulse!!! The afterimage fades, she yells "That was a fake, the entire ti...". She turns to see Leo using FirePunch!!! She used ShatterPsyche, Caitilin's eyes and nose bleeds forcing the powerful attack!!! But Leo knocks the woman into the air... it seemed as if timed stop as she thought "How?! Even if he IS that, he should've felt something... right?', Leo replies telepathically "You're right... But, I'm afraid to use it...". She replies "Don't hold back... even if you manage to finish me with this weak attack, you'll pay if you don't do anything to stop me!", Leo sighs "I'll only do it, because you... and every body else wants me to show them... but... I can't for long...". FutureSight pierced through her, Leo follows up with DynamicPunch!!! She faints on his arm... Leo lays her down in her bed... she wakes up... "You are... one... but it won't help...". Leo replies "I know, Dragon Types can tear right through it...", she replies "Still, you have to do your full power, or you'll NEVER stand a chance!". Leo headtilted to the door "I'll go... I'll use it, I hope everything'll help!", he flies out of the room...

A staircase erects, up over the league!!! Leo ran up "This looks much more exciting than the last building!!!", the newsfeed then shows "LEO HAS BEATEN THE ELITE4!!!!!! CAN HE TEAR THROUGH THE FINAL CHALLENGE OF THE UNOVA LEAGUE?!!! THE NEWEST CHAMPION, AND THE STRONGEST FIGHTER IN UNOVA!!! WE'LL SEE IN A FEW SECONDS!!!". Leo rushed inside the Champion's room!!!

To Be Continued...

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