

Leo thought as he rode in the limo... "I did it!!  For Celia, Skyla... everyone who watched!", he sighs as he laid back... "I can't wait to see what Celia says!" the pilot excitedly relaxed... A few hours later...

Leo starts to again think..."This crossed my mind, many times since I started...  I wish my friends were here: ,,,they would've loved this!", he sat up as he sighed "Shit... nostalgia came many times since I started... I barely had friends like them, The oldest one's I have was Richard and Matt... And the closest are Aspen and Brandi, nobody openened up to me that easily... I miss them so much now, we never thought things would turn out this way...". Leo looks out the window again, then sighs... he then looks up "Driver, would you stop the limo?". It stops, he steps out... The driver jumped "The hell you going!?", Leo explains "I wanna find my friends again! You were told to go to Aspertia, right? Tell everyone I wanted to go somewhere else!", the driver sighed "You tell 'em, they'd be pissed if I did!". Leo laughs "Sorry!", he pulls out his cell and see a strange app uploaded into it! "What the shit?!". The driver explains "It's for everybody in the league, it's called the:PowerDex: This shows ALL the Types, their strengths, weaknesses and every Move sorted by the Celestial League. This also shows where everybody is on earth, as long as they've been registered by and Celestial branch. There's alot of copies and clones of this, but you have the real thing: as soon as you beat Iris, your cell and wireless plan were updated by the league!", Leo exclaims "Awesome!!! Alright, I 'll explain everything! Don't worry!", he rushes from the limo as he calls the League building! "Hello!? Tell everyone I'm okay! I'm the newest Celestila champion: Leonard Flyte! I'm not going home as I'm going to look for my friends now! Yeah, please make sure everyone knows!", he hangs up as he cheered "Awesome!! Now I'll find them! If we simply got each other's numbers back then, then it would've been okay! But we didn't think we'd never see eachother in 2 years!!! I'll hafta track them down and hurry back here!". Leo looks at his cell "We have our own dreams... I know we'll travel together for a while... but it can't be like it was... As much as I miss them, I know I can't stay with them long anyway... There's no way to bring everyone together, so visiting everyone will be alright..", he then asks the PowerDex: "Powerdex, where's: Matthew Coeld, Aspen Lovsex, Brandi Ishot and Champion Wallace?". The app answers back "WALLACE IS IN HOENN, BRANDI AND ASPEN ARE CURRENTLY IN ALOLA AND SINNOH, MATTHEW IS IN HOENN AS WELL...", Leo leered as he hurries toward Castiel City!!! "Awesome, the closest might be...  Alola! If I head in that direction: I should be able to see Brandi!! Good thing I became a legend!!!",

 Leo ran towards the dock and grew burning Shiny Unfeazent wings!!! Everyone turns to see the new Celestial champion running to the water, he flies off with blue sparks flying off him!!! "I'll see her real quick... then go! I havva a baby to get back to! I can't stay, I just wanna see everyone once...", his feathers burn off!!! He fell into the water, people stare in shock!!! Until mist suddenly sprays over the lookers, they awe as Lugia wings spread from the water!!! Leo stares in surprise as the gale from his new wings also shock and spray everyone close to the dock!!! They cheer, Leo turns and waves at them, then back at the water!!! "I didn't think tht would happen!!! Fuck, at very least it doesn't seem like anyone's mad, now... I'll go to Alola and visit Brandi, then the others! Maybe It'll ease the sad feelings I had..." he flies toward Alola!!!

To Be Continued...

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