Leo, Matt, Asp, Brandi, Wallace, Jamie and Celia walk into Little Root, Leo looks around... "This looks awesome! It's kinda small, but cozy...", Wallace leered "This is Littleroot as you already know, here, we shall get the first branch of this adventure started!". Matt tilted his head "What we gonna do?", Wallace walks to Professor Birch's laboratory "We're going to get you introduced to this region's professor and the Evolution!". Asp stared "The Evolution? You m...", Wallace laughed "Yes my dear, precious Aspen! Mega Evolution! Let's go!". They go into the professor's lab!They see many scientists working as they go further in.... Professor Birch notices them! "Ah, Wallace! How's everything, Champion?!". Wallace walks to him "We're trying to raise another champion here: Mr Leonard!", the professor turns toward Leo... "Oh... Ya must be that guy the champions were talking about! I'm Professor Birch! And I'm gonna help ya Leo!". Leo smiles "Thanks!", Birch laughs "No prob, my man! Who're you guys!? Are all of you gonna be champions?!", he looks at his friemds! Matt sighed "No, I'm just helpin' my bro out!", Asp smiles "He's Matt, I'm Aspen and...", Brandi interrupts "I'm Brandi!". "I'm Jamie" Jamie says, Celia smiles warmly "I am Celia♪". Wallace laughed "The only Champion here is Leonard! These guys have their own dreams, but their here to support Leo!", Birch smiles "Awesome! Love the teamwork! Now time to show you all somethin' cool! Betcha never saw...". He suddenly whips out Blazikenite!!! "THIS!!!!!!!!?", Leo stares... Aspen then asks "The fuck is it?", Matt stared "Another Z-Stone?!". Birch laughed "No guys! I heard the champ tellin' ya about it earlier, I'd thought ya know this's a Mega Evolution stone!", Brandi replies "We didn't think both Z Moves and Mega Evolution was just done by stones!?". Birch smiles "Yeah, it does sound lame... but, All of these "boring" stones are capable of changing everything!!! See!?", he suddenly grew Blaziken Feathers, hands, talons and eyes!!! "Now it's time!", he holds the firmly squeezes the stone... and Mega Evolved!!! Long tendril like feathers grew from his head!!! Flame shaped feathers cover his body, and the heat surrou ding him distorts the space around him!!! "See, pretty fucking cool, right? I mean hot! Right?!", Leo stares "Awesome!", Matt gasped "I take everything back!" Jamie adds "Yes, he was foolish to think it was not going to be impressive!". Birch leered "How bout you, Brandi!? You seemed the most excited!", the woman replies "It's cool... But, how does it help out Leo? And can I get one!?". Birch laughs "Direct, even when you're in awe! Alright, I'll tell ya! Simply get a similar stone! That's about it: See, mine's the same color as me!", he places it down... and reverts, then transformed back into his human shape... "You hafta be near or touching the stone to Mega Evolve, but... It has to be similar to your monster parts!". Wallace leers as the friends stare... Leo then says "I... is there one for these?!", he flourishes his Shiny Noctowl wings!!! Birch stares "(whistle) that's pretty fricking special! I RARELY see shiny parts... but...", he looks upset "You won't Mega Evolve with those...". Aspen giggled "Don't worry! Leo can change wings!", Brandi leers "Yeah, even if this can't work, there's gotta be a stone that will!". Wallace sighed "Wait... my dear friends: Has Leo changed into ANYTHING that could Mega Evolve?! While you may not know how many types there are: I have a upsetting feeling about this...", Matt freaks, then grabs a deck of cards... "Shoot, shoot...", Birch, Celia and Wallace stare at him... everyone except Leo looks at the cards... Celia tilts her head "Um...", Wallace interrupts "What!?". Matt explained "I don't think Brother's been ANY OF THESE!!! Maybe this one..." he points to Pidgeot "But nothing else... we can't either... The only one's here might be you... Birch and..." he looks at Celia... "You! The rest of us can't use it...". Wallace leers "As sad as this is: we might simply need to change your thought: Leo has changed because of his very sensitive, yet interesting nature! You might change too, if you truly can think outside of yourselves: Leo's going through old and new life problems which triggered his: if any of you feel differently, you might also change into another monster within your Typeing!". Matt stared "W hafta be emos?!", Leo sighs "Hey... I went through some rough stuff when I was younger, I legit feel stuff, I'm not just overexaggerating...". Birch laughed "You probably SHOULDN'T force yourself to act different, but... if you can switch off after feeling something traumatizing... then cool!". Aspen giggles "Or something awesome? Like love?!", Brandi smiles "It's possible though: I haven't heard of that happening alot... Only special people get THAT excited after finding "the one", nobody loves anyone THAT much! Haha!". Celia stares at Leo, as Wallace says "Ah, my dear friends! Let's go, we have wasted time pondering if we'll change! Leo has for this, and for being a potential legend! It'll be rough for a stable person, normal or legendary to chanfe Constantly! So far the closest are Celesti Champions with many different parts, but... As for Leo... he might only change because he's legend: He seems stable just like anyone else doing this, if he wasn't I doubt we'd be able to come this far!". Birch adds "Yeah, unstable means... Leo might be going crazy, and he seems okay now... so... I'll just point ya to ya 1st gym battle, and hope he loses it then! If he snaps, tell me and I'll come runnin' witha stone!". The friends leave his lab later...
They walk to Rustboro, Matt smiles "I like him!". Aspen giggles "He DID remind a little of you, except without the gynaphobia!", Matt growls as she laughs, Brandi tilted her head "Is that the right word for it?". Everyone talks excitedly as Celia thought "...Leo has transformed alot... when we said we loved eachother he chaned two or three times... meanwhile... I only got kinda excited: ...Do I really care about him? Or am I just interested in his quest? Is this worth doing further?", Leo thought as she stares at him... "Dammit... I love her so much... but this'll end once I transform: Wallace said he can't feel human anymore, and the most he's done now... is do as he needed: he's there, but I can tell he's still doing what he's suppose to do, instead if enjoying this or having fun... I... hate this... The closer we get, the closer the possiblity of finding what'll make me transform will snatch us apart".... they find the Rustboro gym...
To Be Continued...
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