Leo, Matt and Aspen ate dinner in the Striaton gym. Leonard stands as he finished, "Ah... I'm ready! Let's go now!". Matt burped "Oh yeah!", Aspen swallows "I'll have to get a doggybag, but let's go!". They go outside and prepare to leave, until they hear Fennel! "Leo!", he turns "Oh shit! I almost forgot she wanted to speak to me afterward! Good thing we ate 1st, I forgot completely...". She ran up to them, "I'm glad I caught you Leo... haa (I hate having to run...) You always forget when you have a reward coming...". Leo smiles "My dad was a butthole...So I'm used to not getting a reward", she finally catches her breath "Sorry... I hope you don't think I'm like that!". Leo laughs "No! Everything go alright?", Fennel giggled "Yes! We got a piece of a cake out of the subjects mind! Hopefully we can pull out bigger things, later!". Leo smiles "Awesome! I can't wait to see!", Matt smiled "Glad we could help you!", Aspen giggles "There isn't anything you personally want from it? You're psychic too, right...". Fennel blushes "I have what I want... Oh! That reminds me! Leo!", she pulls a card from her pocket "Here! This'll help you with your challenge! It'll clear everything with the Celestial league!". Leo looks at it, then smiles "Thanks!", Fennel smiles "Your welcome! But please be careful, this'll be tough...". Leo walks away "I know! But now: nothing'll stop me! When you see me again, I'll be a Champion!", Fennel waves "I hope so! See me after you win!", Matt waves "See ya later...", Aspen waves "Don't get to lonely without him!". Fennel jumps as Aspen laughs, the friends now leave to Nacrene city!
The friends travel along a dirt path, away from the road, they admire the beautiful nature around them as they pass by a water fountain... Then come up to a building ways off from Striaton... Leo looks at it "A daycare, out here?", Aspen smiled "Awww...", Matt smiled "The kids look happy out here in the fresh air.". Leo looks at the children "I wish they weren't so far from their parents... IF something happened they only have the 1 caretaker...", he stops for a second... "Hahaha, brother remember when that little girl kept talking to you...". A bunch of children ran up to them before Matt replied! "Oooh! What type are you?" one asks, Matt chuckled "I'm a Ice Type!", another answered "Really? We thought you were a blue bear...". The teacher walks up "Sorry.. the kids get bored doing the same thing everyday, they kinda bombard any strangers that come up (Even when I told them not to talk to strangers...)". Leo laughs "It's alright! We love kids! They're always attracted to Matt anyway!", Matt blushed "Musta be my jacket... I'm not sure why.", he smiled at the children "Listen, my Brother here's a Celestial challenger! He's going to the Nacrene gym now!". The kids look at Leo "Ooooh!", "So cool!". Leo smiles proudly until they turn back towards his friends "What're you doing?", "Are you a furry?". Some ask Aspen "What Type are you?", "Play with us!". Leo sighs "Kids always liked Matt more... They like Aspen alot too...", a little brunette runs up to him "Hi mister... Uh... what type are you?". Leo smiles as he flares his wings! "I'm a Fly type!", the girl stares wonderingly at his shiny wings! "Ooooh They're beautiful! I wanna be a Fly Type too!". She ran away pretending to fly! Leo ran his fingers through his hair "Shit... she reminds me of Minami... I tried to forget the memories, but she's like her... Dammit, if I do see Plasma again, I might not be able to think...", Aspen meanwhile spoke to a group of kids "I came from Sinnoh! It was hard, but I finally got here!". She notices a boy standing off from the crowd "What's wrong?", he replied "I want to talk to you too, but I don't think I should...". Matt suddenly jumps in front of her! "Listen to that voice! Don't talk to her, she's bad!", Aspen giggles "What? You don't think I'm a pedophile, do you?". Matt shouts "You never stopped flirting with me when I said stop!", Aspen laughs "You make people chase you! Besides, I can't help it if he wants to talk to me! All guys do! Especially guys like you! Hahahahaha!". Leo laughs with her as Matt grimaced... Later they travel past route 3 and enter Nacrene city.
Leo looks around at all the artists in the city "This place is awesome! I like how creative it is...", Matt added "I like it too! We don't have much time to stare now though, do we?", Aspen giggles "A place where people can freely express themselves?" she leers... Then asks "Leo, this is the kinda place you'd want to live? You look so excitd!", Leo turns toward his friends "Yeah, I loved doing art before... But I kinda had to be a Fly Type, and work at the airport. Now I only get to scribble at home when I get off work...". Matt almost suggested something when 3 fighters walked up... "Hey... Are you the new challenger?" a hiker asks, one of his friends adds "We saw you in the gym challengers list". Leo laughs "Awesome, I'm famous!", The artist chuckled "Alot of people saw your battle at the Striaton gym!", the singer adds "You beat them all 3 leaders at once!". The hiker adds "You also beat the only gym we haven't, so we wanted to battle you! Us 3 against you and your friends!", Leo steps up "Wait, I want to fight you all 3 too at once!", everyone jumps in surprise as he explains "If I can't do a triple battle easily, how can I challenge the Celestial league?". The hiker glares "You think you can beat anyone you want?", the artist adds "We can K.O. you easy: We're all part electric types...", the singer finishes "We also hold 7 badges already, are you sure?". Leo smiles excitedly! "I have to now! Bring it!", the artist leered "You'll pay for being so cocky..." he grows Minccino ears and fur! The singer grows Magnemite magnet hands, and steel skin. The hiker grows Elektross tail, arms, hands and teeth! Leo flourishes his wings! The hiker uses HyperBeam! Leo used Fly, dodging it, then dropkicked the singer. He uses Magnet Bomb! Leo counters with Comet Punch! The artist comes behind him and uses Iron Tail! Leo suddenly turns and blocks with Rolling Kick! The Hiker glared "He's blocking everything...", he uses Thunder Bolt! Leo let it hit!? The other 2 use Thunder Shock and Electro Ball! Aspen freaks as Leo stands there for every attack! "Why isn't he dodging or even trying to counter?!", Matt replied "Brother's been saying he wanted to be a Electric Type for years, but he was forced to be a Fly Type... He must be trying to become part electric now, but... He's weak to it!". The Hiker then stops "Alright, time to finish it!" he uses Roll Out! Leo dodges, barely able to keep altitude while using Fly the artist wonders "Is he trying to get fried?", the singer adds "Fine we'll beat you with electricity!". They all use Thunder Bolt, Charge Beam and Thundershock! Leo let's them hit again! The artist freaks as Leo slowly lands, but still stands.. "Come on! Tap out!", Others look at the fight as the bright light covered the square! Aspen yells "STOP LEO! Find a safer way, we'll meet a Electric Type afterwards!", Matt shouts "STOP! Or we'll fight too!". The artist turns toward them! "Shit he won't fall...", Leo suddenly droops, then fell! "Finally!", the hiker glares "Now he... wait, his wings aren't vanishing?". Leo stands up "I'm sorry... for making you guys worry, and for using you...". The hiker shouted "What you meaaaan! You lost! You really think you haven't just because your still talking?! You'll die, stupid!", Leo sneers "Alright... If you don't believe in my power...". He suddenly uses Thunder! Everyone shields their eyes from the brighter light, as the city turned white! All 3 fighters fainted, then reverted...
Leo smiles as he looks at the electriciry crackling off himself! "I did it!? I'm part Electric Type!". Matt freaked "Brother! WHAT THE HELL!? You could've died!", Aspen pleads "You should be going to the Celestial center now!". Leo laughs "I'm fine, I think I'm ready for the Nacrene gym! Besides...". he sighs "I feel bad about what I did in Striaton... I was going to fight this gym leader with only Fight and Normal type moves... But even when I'm punishing myself, destiny's let me have this... despite what I've done...". Matt and Aspen wonder as he then says "I have to beat her like this, to earn the badge. When I fight, I have to avoid being hit and not use Flying moves... I'll fight my hardest with everything else I know...". He runs toward the museum as Matt and Aspen follows...
To Be Continued...
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