Leo, Matt, Aspen, Brandi, Wallace and Celia walk to Veilstone City, they admire the Route and city upon reaching Veilstone... Leo looks around the city... "The rock walls look awesome! It feels cozy in here too!", Matt glared "Hmmm, I wonder if we could climb them without getting arrested?". Aspen laughs "You would if you fell! Seriously, this place looks kinda creepy: why's it walled?", Brandi replied "Because of recent... events. But, now, I'm more interested in why we're here?". Wallace leered "I know why... my dear friend:Leo, has found another... "Friend" in Maylene...", Celia tilts her head "?".
Leo laughs as they near the gym "I... only wanted to see it!", Brandi giggled "No you don't, it's Maylene, isn't it?!". Wallace holds himself as he tilts his head "Oh, my dear Leonard!!!! You mustn't ignore your feelings! For you must explore everything, for you to choose what you want!!!", Leo jumps "I only wanted to go see the Gym... the leader DID push my decision, but... I...". A Galactic grunt suddenly walks in front of them "You... Leo... Wallace, Team Galatic knows what you're doing... We're going to stop you, befor e you ruin our plan.", many grunts surround them... Mars walks out of the crowd "We have complete control now! The police won't interefere, and the international police, have no idea what we're planning!", Wallace leered "Then, you think removing us, will solve everything! Thank you♡, my dear Mars!". She glared "NO! We're planning on getting rid of all champions and legends who stay in our way!!!! You're just the first to be on the list!!!", she grows Purugly ears, claws, eyes and fur covering only just her breasts. Leo grows Togekiss wings, and uses Fly!!! Wallace calmly watches as Mars uses Feint!!! Leo dodged and uses Hyperbeam!!! She uses QuickAttack to dodge and follows up with Megapunch!!! Leo uses DynamicPunch!!! The explosion knocks both back, Leo Bounces back up!!! Mars uses FurySwipes as he lands, they both exchange hits from CometPunch and Furyswipes until Leo uses Focuspunch!!! Mars leers and used DarkPulse!!! Leo flinched, but continues with his attack!!! She freaks out and defends with Wideguard!!! They suddenly hear a loud impact sound, before they even hit!!!? They turn to see many Galactic grunts being knocked away by FocusPunch!!!? Meylene and her students walk into the circle of grunts "What's going on, Mars? Don't tell me you guys are REALLY trying to start this back up again?" she glares... Mars smiles "It's just a normal fight, why'd we attack them in broad daylight if we weren't playing around? There's no way we'd do a operation, (if there even was one) in day in the middle of a city!". Maylene leers "It IS a stupid idea... but then again... Galactic was a stupid gang...", Mars glared... then straightens her face "You're right! We'll be leaving now!". She throws a smokebomb... Wallace sighs "Ahhh... If only we could know where they were, then it'll be easy to track them, and know what they're truly doing!", the gymleader walks to him "They've been defeated for a long while, it'll be strange if they REALLY did have a plot still in their wood works...". Maylene turns toward Leo and his friends "Um... Sorry if you were hurt, we gym leaders didn't expect to see Galactic again...", Leo smiled "We're fine... We were able to fend her off...". Maylene smiles "Awesome! If you'll excuse me, I'll get back to training.", Leo jumps "Wait... how long will you be training?". Maylene head tilts "What? You want something?", Leo leers "I wanna challenge the Veilstone Gym!!!", she turns around "Alright... Lemme set up first, but come in♪!". They walk in the gym... Leo stares at the punching bags, littered around the gym...
"Shit... she takes this seriously..." he says... "I train... but...". Matt adds "Dang, this girl's insane.", Aspen walks to a ring "She has everything set up, where'd she'd have constant fights?", Brandi laughs "Hahaha! She's strong, but still a Fight Type! Leo, you've nothing to worry about!". Wallace leered "Yes... Our dear Brandi's right, you are a champion! Even if you're weak to her, simply being champ, proves you're stronger than gym leaders could possibly be!", Celia looks around the gym... "Still, she sedms so strong. I can not place why or where this feeling exists... but I am uneasy...". Brandi laughed "Could be from you subconsciously putting 2 and 2 together! Leo chose this city, because he likes the gym leader!", Leo jumps! Matt gags "Brother, you're a pedophile, too?". Leo answers "I was interested in the leader, but I'm going to fight! Even if I wanted to be creepy, I couldn't: she'd beat me! There's no way anything'll happen!", he smiles at Celia "I'm already in a relationship! I won't cheat!". Celia smiles warmly "It is alright, from the beginning of our relationship: I knew we will both be tempted, if you or I make a mistake, I hope we can forgive eachother.", Leo falls flat... "Shit... I knew I'd fuck this up... But...", he sighs as he stood erect "I'll be faithful, I won't accept sex if I'm offered it again! I'll stay with Celia!". She smiles "It is alright, but I love that you are willing to push yourself against your feelings, for me♪", they then hear Maylene "Alright, I'm ready to go!!!! Let's start the fight!!!". His friends sit in the stands, as Leo and Maylene prepare to fight!
To Be Continued...
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