
Black City???


The friends finally get tired of the beach, and decide to explore before the plane arrives. They travel along Route 14, waving at other fighters they pass by. Leo looks at the beautiful scenery "It's beautiful here... I'm so happy we came!", Matt adds "Yeah... I wish I could swim now! I wanna go on the other side of the river!!!", Aspen giggles "I love this area, it's even more beautiful than Route12!", Brandi looks around "It's nice looking! I kinda wander why there's so many people wandering around here, though...". Celia smiles "There's a Shrine up the waterfall, some people may be here to swim there... or perhaps going up to the next city...", Leo replies "Ah, there's a lot more here, than what we only see right here! If we had time, I'd fly over...", the friends continue up the path... Celia rests her head on Leo's shoulder "I love being here with you all... I love this so much...", he blushes "Me too... I'd never thought I'd find someone like me!". She smiles warmly "Like you♪?", Leo replies "Yeah, most perverts kinda only like sex... But we... we're both similar, and really want to spend our lives with a significant other!". Celian smiles as she says "We're a exception! Though, you should not expect all others to be cold, as you can see: I want to be with you. I won't even look at another man, as long as we are together.".

They enter Black City... Leo looks around "Awesome... This looks so cool...", Matt added "Yeah... The skyscrapers are freaking huge...", Aspen walks into a street "It's so breathtaking... the feeling here's much different than other cities we've been too...", Brandi looks at a building "People are more... natural in this city... That's why it seems so... "different"... or even "cleaner", than Castelia...". Celia looks at the people littering the city "There is no cars... at least, not where I can see... It is very interesting...", a roughneck ran up to them!!! "Hey... you travelers, or you moving here?!", Leo replies "We're traveling, we're kinda waiting for something...". The man leered "Cool!!! That means ya won't mind fighting?!", Leo leers "Ah... That's how come ya'll standing around... You just got through battlin'!!!  Alright, let's go!!!", the man whooped! "YEAH!!!". Leo uses Fly, as the man used Electroweb!!! Aspen leers "Let's battle too!!! It'll pass some time!!!", Matt leered "Let's go!!!", Brandi transformed "Yeah... I'm ready!!!". They fight for a hour, then go in the Celesti Center... Leo sighs as he's healed "That was Awesome!!! Doublebattles and  Rotation fights are as cool as fucking shit!!!", Matt laughed "It freaked me out, I didn't know that guys was comin' up!!!". Aspen stood up "I kinda wanna go again!!! I don't battle much, but using this energy's getting me excited to play tennis again!", Brandi stood up "Then let's go, we shouldn't let our muscles go!!!". Celia smiles "I am happy, you enjoy battling, but please be careful!", Leo blushed "We will! Right Corrin?!". A Backpacker giggles "Yeah, you don't need to worry about these guys! I watched 'em fight! They're pretty strong!", the Roughneck laughed "They're really coordinated too! Kinda like they fought together for years! Ya sure you just met last week?!",  Matt replied "Yeah Jonny, 'cept for me and Brother: We known eachother for years!". Jonny laughed "Aw... shit! Ya'll guys fight like you all grew up together! Like... Brandi's tha Warrior, Aspen's tha WhiteMage! You tha Tank, an' ...Leo's... He's kinda a fighter too... But his energy... He seems to take alot of punishment, but he can still go down so easy... Plus he doesn't get many clear hit, but when he does, it almost always a KO!!!". Corrin replies "He's a FLY Type... even if he is strong, his body's so delicate!", Leo blushed "No... I'm really strong... I just need to...". Another fighter interrupted "Take care of that problem ya have too... Anyone else notice? He used like3-4 different wings?!!!", Jonny replied "Ah,  I had a friend that did that... he was sick!", Corrin adds "I usually grow this Evergreen looking parts, but when I don't feel well or something's bothering me: I grow these ICE GHOST looking parts or Dugong fins and tail...". Leo replies "I never changed wings when I was younger, anytime I got sick, they stayed the same... It just now happens...", the backpacker puts her hand on his back "You are delicate, Leo! You should relax a little...", the other battlers agree "Yeah man...", "Don't hurt yourself...", "It ain't worth it!". Wallace suddenly interrupts "Leo is not sick... he's merely... a legend!", the friends jump!!! "H... You were here the whole time!!!!?" Leo asks, Wallace replies "Of course, I must watch our potential canindate, until he becomes a legend... Afterwards, you will take care of yourself♪!!!". Corrin stares "Legend?", Jonny asks "Are you...". Leo replies "I'm a Champion right now...", he jumped "No wander you kicked our asses!!! You a Champion!!! Cool!!!". Corrin adds "Awesome... you might be able to see whats happening over in WhiteForest!", Leo tilts his head "WhiteForest?". Jonny sighed "3 Days ago... The police suddenly closed it off...", Corrin finishes "We couldn't see what was happening... But you might be able to!". Leo looks excited "Alright... We'll be back!", the friends walk to the gate...

They see two policemen standing near  it "Hey, buddy! Get bavk, police cross only!". Leo replies "I only want to know what's going on behind there?", Wallace leers "He's a Champion!", Matt adds "Yeah, let us see!!!". The policeman answered "Alright... Few days ago, a team from another region came here, and start fucking the area up!!! Some gang called: Galaxy...". Leo, Wallace and Brandi gasp...

To Be Continued...

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