


Leo, Matt and Aspen sleep until the next morning. Leo leaves his hotel room, and excitedly wait for his friends outside! Matt wakes up after, and notices his best friend already left! He rushes outside to see Aspen waiting! "Hello, sleepy bear!" she laughs, Matt yells "What the heck? Is that some stupid nickname you came up with?". Lenora suddenly walks up to them, "Hey guys, good morning. Where's the "new champion"? ", Matt chuckled "Brother must be training already, he always gets up early!". Aspen giggled "Good morning to you too! ...", she tilted her head "Why're looking for Leo?". Lenora smiled "I'm kinda curious how his fight happened with the Striaton gym: He said he tricked them, but I want to know how...", Matt sighed "The 1st thing was actually just planning: he fought Chili before Cilan, when they thought Brother would've attacked Cilan 1st...", Aspen adds "The actual trick was, him using Bounce: but only halfway up, then rushed them when they were off guard!". Lenora smiles wrily "Oh... Tricks like that are used in the Celestial League, he doesn't have to worry about that shit, you're SUPPOSE to outsmart your opponent...". Aspen giggled as Matt replied "Brothers's really strict, when he screws up anything, or don't like how he does something, he'll punish himself... He must've wanted to completely follow through with everything he starts.". Lenora sighs "When you see him, tell him not to be so hard on himself: I'd hate for anyone so positive to hold themselves back", she walked away "I hope I see Leo and you guys again, he kinda reminds me of that kid I fought...". Aspen and Matt wave "Byeneee! Later.", "Later! Brother's gonna win it!". After eating breakfast, they look for Leo, and find him training in Pinwheel forest. Leo notices them "Hey! Finally, let's go to Castelia!".

They walk across Skyarrow bridge away from the traffic, then arrive in Castelia city! Leo smiles excitedly "I love this place! It's so exciting!", Matt frowns "It is! But it's so noisy too!". Aspen giggles "I thought I had you figured! You said you liked quiet areas like Nacrene!", Leo laughs "I love them both! I can't decide which 1 I like more though!.". He then hears his stomach growling "Dammit...", Matt shouted "You didn't eat before we left!? How're suppose to win the league, if you train without eating!". Aspen smiles "Don't worry, it's lunchtime now! We'll eat lunch now! And look around too.", the friends later eat at a restaurant as they talked about the next gym. Then went out to get Castelia cones, Leo grabs 1 as he smiles "I wish I could eat more...", Matt warns as he eats "Don't get another: remember you're lactose intolerant! You can't fight on a upset stomach!", Aspen stares at a cone "I read in a panphlet about this: Casteliacones are based off a monster from centuries ago! I wonder if it's the same thing Lenora was referring to...". Leo walks away as he starts "It could be, she...". They notice a Plasma grunt cornering a oldman in a alley! Leo glares "They're...", he rush to him! His friends follow, the grunt notices them "The hell?! What are you fucks? You ain't police...", Leo glares "I'm a challenger of the celestial leagu...". The grunt sneered "There's hundreds of you idiots, but you don't seem to notice: you idiots CAN'T STOP PLASMA! Not even the "champion" tries to beat us!", Leo glares "I will, you'll all pay!". Matt adds "Y... yeah! Leave that man alone!", the grunt smiles "I only wanted his "assistance", but...". He presses a button on his suit: 3 other Plasmas walk up, from the dumpsters and a abandoned building... "If you want to "help" too, we could use more subjects!". Aspen leers "No more freaking out like last time!", The 1st grunt grows Sandile scales and tail! The other 2 grow Swoobat wings, and Liepard claws and fur! The 4th Magmortar skin, claws and arms! Leo flourishes his wings! Matt grows a Sealeo tail and whiskers, Aspen grows Lilligant leaves over her body! They fight! Leo uses Fly! The Sandile grunt uses Bite! Leo Uses AerialAce, dodging at the last second! The grunt uses IronTail, Leo uses Whirlwind, and blows the grunt far away then chased him! Meanwhole Matt uses IcicleCrash, KOing the Swoobat grunt, Aspen uses Bulletseed to attack her opponent. The Liepard grunt runs then charged at her using Slash! Aspen counters with VineWhip! Knocking her back, Aspen follows with SolarBeam KOing the grunt! Meanwhile... Leo uses Fly as the Sandile grunt used dig, to hide in the cement! He suddenly jumps , and uses Crunch! Leo used AirDrop as the grunt sunk his teeth in him, and flew him over the ocean! Leo drags the grunt in the water weakening the Ground type! The grunt tries to use ShadowClaw, but freaks as Leo counters with Flash! The Pilot leers "You kidnap people, and do horrible things to them... You never felt it, you never care... You buttholes can only feel physical pain... can you? So you you have no idea how it feels when someone expresses their pain...". He rose his fist in the air "...Say good night...", Leo uses MegaPunch! It knocked the grunt DEEP underwater, reverting him back way too late! Leo glides slowly as the realization of what he did, sunk in... "I... I... killed... him? I... didn't mean t... I can't see if he survived... I can't swim... What'll...", he suddenly hears his friends... "Brother! You're alright?", "Are you hurt!? I'll use Vinewhip...". Leo smiles "I'm OK!", he glides to the alley. Burgh smiles warmly as Leo lands "I saw your friends, beat those undesirables, and already called the authority!", Leo looks surprised you saw us?! Aspen giggles "Right after me and Matty beat the other 2, he came running here! We were talking until you came back!", Leo looks around "Wait! Wasn't there another 1?". Matt glared "I don't see her... Maybe she ran away.", The oldman replied "The police rarely fight back, but resistance usually scares those grunt ruffians easily... Thank you.". He smiles "I would've fought, but I'm too old transform as easily as I had before", Burgh turns "That reminds me, Leo! I also heard that you're a Celestial challenger!", Leo jumps "I am! I came here to beat the Castelia gym!", Burgh smiles "Then you're in luck! I have some free time now, we can batle after you're checked out!". Leo looks surprised "You're the gym leader!?", he shook his head "No wait, let's fight now! If I can't beat you now: How'll I beat the Celestial League!?", Burgh smiles "Ah... a courages 1. Please come...". Aspen smiles "He's so cute... I like how chill he is!", Matt glared "You like EVERYONE you tramp...".

They follow Burgh to the gym, until they hear a voice? "Hey!", They turn to see a woman running to them. She wore a long red dress, covered in flowers, she wore a flower in her hair also. "Um... I... ...I want to watch to!". Burgh smiles "It's free to anyone, if he don't care". Matt glared "Nooo! Brother doesn't want anyone else to come, we already have too many...", Leo interrupts "Of course, I don't mind! Watch me!", Matt fell flat as Aspen smiles "Alright! Another girl to talk to! I'm Aspen! Nice to meet you... um...", the black woman giggled ""Brandi". Nice to meet you too!". Matt glares "(Shit!) I'm Matthew...". Aspen giggles "Don't worry about Matty there! He just wants to be alone with his bro, while they're on vacation! ", Brandi laughs "I see, selfish fatty, is he?". She turns "Who're we following in here? I forgot to ask him his name.". Aspen replies as they walk inside the gym "That's Leo...", the pilot finishes her introduction, as he turns toward them "The next champion of Unova!". Brandi laughs "You are?". Leo laughs too, as they pass by paintings "Fer real!". He then thought "But... I murdered that man... I could only see Minami dying right then.. I didn't notice... I'll have to tell my friends: even though all Plasma's wanted: Dead or Alive. I killed him because I couldn't control myself, I... don't want to fight like that... I need to... forget...". The friends sit in the bleachers as Leo tries to get prepared to fight...

To Be Continued...

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