
Leo vs Matt?!!!!


Leo and his friends have been playing on the beach for 2 days, having fun, and battling Cynthia for fun! They have fun exploring the Abyssal ruins and meeting other fighters passing through the area! Until one day... Leo hears Matt "Hey Brother...", the pilot turns from speaking to Celia "Hey brother! What's wrong?". Matt walks to him "Listen... I've watched you... And I know what you're going to do, to that poor lady...", Leo stood "I haven't even touched her! Seriously, all we did is tal...". Matt yells in a deep/obnoxious, more confident voice "No... noooo... No more lying Brother... Leonard! I... I want her!", Leo replies "Matt... I never even...", Celia adds "I noticed you have blushed so much in the last few days... But...". Matt interrupted "I like... her!!!", Celia turns in surprise as he explained "I liked her since we came to Village Bridge! I wanted to aske her out, but she was going towards you. I won't stand by and let you do another friend and toss her to the side!". Aspen replies "We've traveled together for weeks... he's coming to watch me play tennis in Sinnoh...", Celia tries to speak "Matt... I appreciiate it... but I have not even...", Matt glared "No... listen: Leo has sex with anyone who'd ask him... He doesn't know how to control his feelings...". Leo replies "He's right... I realized how horrible I was before... I..."(He blushes over his body)" I do love you... Celia... But I know I'm a a... bad person... I don't deserve to feel this way...". Celia stares in wander as he finishes "I did the league because I can't move on... I held a grudge against my father... I had sex with my friends to relieve myself of these feelings... but... I... I... can't use my pain for a excuse.", Matt replied "Then... if you truly want to be with Celia... You'd fight me for her now: or let me go out with her, and treat her like a lady.". Leo stares in sorrow... he can't stop the blush in his face... "I want to let someone who'll respect her, date her... but... if there's a chance..." he looks at him "I... I have to take it... this is the only feeling I felt, that's mine, since Minami's death! I love Celia...".

 Matt glares "I'm sorry Leo..." he grows his Walrein whiskers, teeth and tail!!! Leo flourished Togekiss wings!!! Then used Fly!!! Matt used SheerCold, Leo drops before it hits, then used AuraSphere!!! Matt cancels it with FocusBlast! Then uses IcicleCrash!!! Leo flies around it, then used CometPunch!!! Matt uses CloseCombat!!! Huge explosions erupt from the impact!!! Aspen and Brandi stare... "Guys... stop! Celia didn't say if she likes either of you!!!", "Guys what tha fuck???? They both like her THAT much?! It's only been 5 days since we met her!!!". Matt then fires 6 Focus Blasts!!! Leo blocks with Acrobatics, he deflects the blasts, then fired Inferno!!! Matt used Blizzard, diluting some of the power, then charged using BodySlam!!! Leo used DoublEdge!!! They both bounce backwards, Matt then used IceBall!!! Leo dodges then used FlameWheel as Matt slingshots back to him!!! They Slam hard!!! Another explosion makes a huge hole surrounding the best friends, grinding their fists into eachother!!! Matt then leered and used FocusPunch!!! Leo notices and used Flamethrower!!! They both flung violently back once more, Leo then fires ChargeBeam!!! Matt fires StalactiteCrash!!! The beam electrocutes the Coldworker!!! Leo tries to Fly away, but is stabbed through a wing!!! They both writhe and stare at eachother "Brother... are you okay?" Matt asks... Leo looks surprised, then notices the stinging pain in his wing! He cautiously turns to see blood pouring from it! He stood "I'm alright... I've been hurt worse via the Gym leaders...", he stares at Matt "Are you OK?!!!". Matt wanders "What's wrong with...", he wipes his mouth... and sees blood and foam pouring out if his now numb face?!!!! Leo ran to him "I'm... sorry...", Matt replied "No... I am sorry. I just didn't want you to hurt her, like with Aspen and Brandi... I don't even like her THAT much... Just don't hurt her, alright Brother?". Leo replies "A...", when Celia finally says "I... I... I... never had this happen... I... I'm going to the Riches, I need time to think!". She ran away as Wallace walks up... "Ha... Looks like you 2, just had some fun...", Leo turns... "Wallace...". Matt adds "Why're you here?!", the Champion answers "I'm here for your... "Brother♪" I sent Cynthia to help me recruit him, and it looked like it worked!". Leo tilts his head as Wallace explains "Listen... Remember, I told you we needed Celestis? I had to get Cynthia to get you, as I knew your perverted nature would listen to her easier than me. But now that you agreed,I'll tell you the truth: Celeti's ARE canindates to be Legends, but...". All the friends surround him "Only upon certain conditions, will they be legendary... If they die... then of course, they aren't legend... If they cannot fulfill their legendary duty. They might be unable to parts they don't stretch...", Leo asks "How... do you be a legend? I thought you needed to be chosen already?". Wallace replies "Special people are Chosen from the beginning of time, to be legends. But if they are for any reason distracted, replacements fill in for them, or replace them completely if they die in the line of duty... But... Not everyone associated with the legend, will be legends...". He grows Rayquaza eyes, neck claws, fins and skin!!!! "I thought... All people associated with legends or who've become closer to them, would be chosen... But... I was chosen over another... And... Became... Rayquaza!". They all look surprised!!!! Leo stares "You're a legend!!!?", Matt asks "How?!!! You're just some queer guy?!", Aspen adds "You... I thought you were just a sexy looking man!?". Brandi stared "I read about them... But, how're you're 1?!!! The monsters had no gender, you're a guy!!!". Wallace then says "When you become legend, you no longer have a gender... I'm neither male or female... All human needs are gone, and I protect earth via flying around the atmosphere. I can't feel any physical human emotion...", they all stare as he finished "Leo... You need to become a legend still, as many have been injured or killed via Secret organizations or human interference... It takes more than one of each to keep our word safe too, the monsters could protect it easily... but we must work together!". He walks up to him "The price is large... it feels heavy...  But it's nothing, knowing you're 1 of the few, protecting earth!, Leo replies "I... I... I... I'll do it... I want to leave... But... I think I just lost the only chance I had at my dream... So... I'll do it!". Matt ran to him "Whatdya' mean!!!?", Aspen adds "You can't Leo! You love sex and girls too much!". Brandi ran to him "Leo, you can't change yourself!!! You'll never see your dream, plus, we want you to be you!!! It's part of our dreams!!!". Leo sighed "I... have to... I wanted to..."(he blushes)" Fulfill my dreams, but I won't... with what I've done, and how  I am, I can't. But at least... I can help people like this!". He toward the mansion "Now let's get Celia: at very least, I want to fulfill my dream of being with you guys while I tour Unova!" he smiles warmly! Wallace replied "Perfect!!! I'll bring you to the area, where your Celestation shall take place!!! After Cynthia's plane comes, it'll be going to where we need you to be!!!". They walk to the riches's mansion after healing at the Celesti Center... Leo looks at Celia "Celia...", he walks to her... "I'm sorry...".

Celia turns around from talking to Susan "Leo... Matt everyone...", she stood... "Excuse me, my friends♪!". She walks to the door with them... "Leo... Matt, first I want to say... I am honored you both feel that way! But I...", Matt butts in "Don't be upset: You're not my type: too prissy! I just didn't want Brother to hurt you.". Celia smiles "That makes this easier! You see... I'm not exactly as ...Lady like as I appear...". She looks down... "You see... I'm a pervert too... Back home, I had sex with... many of my friends... they used... condoms... and we never got completely... naked... but we did... have sex... I did not think I should have any boyfriend or... any mate at all, as I could not wait until I was in love... but you...", she looks at Leo... "You fell in love with me... The others only wanted to be in me... So... do you still feel the same way?". Leo replies "I... do... I still... love you... I... feel kind of strange though... Aspen told me this: but it was to have friends. You... are just as perverted as I am... but... my feelings haven't changed...", Celia looks up at him "I still love you... even now... Sex isn't on my mind... I only want to be with you...". Celia blushes "I... I... do not know... how to... I like you alot... but I can not feel the exact same way so fast... so please...", she hugs him "Let me... fall for you♪?". Leo blushed "I... hope we both fulfill our dreams...". The friends then plan their next destination...

To Be Continued...

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